“9: Communicate: Petition and Listen,” My Foundation for Self-Reliance (2016)
“9: Communicate: Petition and Listen,” My Foundation
Communicate: Petition and Listen
Report:Briefly share with the group how you served someone last week.
Ponder:When has Heavenly Father answered my prayers?
Watch:“Creating Lift,” available at srs.lds.org/videos. (No video? Read page 23.)
Discuss:How can we recognize answers to our prayers? Why is listening an essential part of prayer?
Read:Doctrine and Covenants 8:2 and the quote by President Russell M. Nelson (on the right)
Discuss:Why is listening an essential skill? How can careful listening help us in our work?
Read:Quotes by President Henry B. Eyring and Elder Robert D. Hales (on the right)
Commit:Commit to do the following actions during the week. Check the box when you complete each action.
Pray individually and as a family each morning and night. Spend time after each prayer reverently listening for guidance.
Share what you’ve learned today about communication with your family or friends.