undefined undefined 5: Use Time Wisely
Self-Reliance Resources
5: Use Time Wisely

“5: Use Time Wisely,” My Foundation for Self-Reliance (2016)

“5: Use Time Wisely,” My Foundation


Use Time Wisely

Report:Briefly share with the group a blessing you received last week because you were obedient.

Ponder:Why is time one of God’s greatest gifts?

Watch:“The Gift of Time,” available at srs.lds.org/videos. (No video? Read page 15.)


The Gift of Time

The Gift of Time

If you are unable to watch the video, choose roles and read this script.

still from The Gift of Time

Kofi: Hello, Sister Benkosi. How are you?

Sister Benkosi: Are you okay, Kofi?

Kofi: Oh, Sister Benkosi. I’m so busy. I have to work and serve and help my family … and then my football too. I have no time!

Sister B.: Kofi, you have all the time there is.

Kofi: What?

Sister B.: My boy, God has given us a great gift—our time. We must do with it what matters most.

Kofi: But how, Sister Benkosi? You have always done so much. You have succeeded with your family, with your business. You have served and blessed many, like me. I don’t know how you do it.

Sister B.: Do you really want to know? If you will sit still and listen, I will tell you my secret.

Every morning I rise before the sun. I dress and wash my face and hands.

I read the scriptures. Then I make a list of what I should do that day.

I think of who I might serve. I pray to know God’s will. And I listen.

Sometimes the names or faces of people come to mind. I add them to my list.

Kofi: Is that how you always know just who needs your service?

Sister B.: Yes, Kofi. And I pray for strength and wisdom. I pray that God will “consecrate [my] performance.” It says that in 2 Nephi 32.

I thank Him. I promise to do my best. I ask that He will do what I cannot.

Then I look at my list. I put a 1 by the most important thing, then a 2.

Kofi: How do you know the priorities?

Sister B.: I listen when I pray! Then I go to work. I look at number 1 and try to do it first, then number 2.

Sometimes things change. The Holy Ghost tells me to do something else. That is good.

I work very hard, but I have peace. I know God will help me.

So, with my list and the Spirit, I do what matters, Kofi.

Kofi: That sounds simple and hard at the same time.

Sister B.: You are right! When I finally prepare for bed, I pray. I report to Heavenly Father. I tell Him how the day went. I ask questions. I ask what I can do better. I listen. I often feel His love. I know He magnifies what I try to do. Then I have peace, Kofi, and I sleep.

Kofi: That is good, Mamma Benkosi. I want this peace. I want to use my time. I want to work and serve better.

Back to page 14.

Discuss:What did you learn from Sister Benkosi?

Read:Alma 34:32 and the quote by President Brigham Young (on the right)

Commit:Commit to do the following actions during the week. Check the box when you complete each action:

  • Practice these steps every day to use your time more wisely. Report each night to Heavenly Father in your prayers.

  • Share what you’ve learned today about using time wisely with your family or friends.