Young Adults
Working with Your Mentor

“Working with Your Mentor,” My Plan: A Guide for the Returned Missionary and Mentor (2019)

“Working with Your Mentor,” My Plan: A Guide for the Returned Missionary and Mentor

two women looking at iPad

Working with Your Mentor


Mentoring has always been an important part of progressing in the gospel: Christ mentored the Apostles, Alma mentored Amulek, Eli mentored Samuel, and you have the opportunity to mentor and be mentored.

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“The spirit of mentoring is something we need to offer all of God’s children, regardless of age, location, or circumstance. Remember, God’s children are our brothers and sisters; we are all of the same eternal family. … Let us become inspired mentors and bless the lives of others” (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “Our Father, Our Mentor,” Ensign or Liahona, June 2016, 6).

Ronald A. Rasband

“Some friends are wise and trusted mentors. They are a special kind of friend; they have gone before us, and they know the way. … A more experienced, trusted individual serves as an effective guide and adviser to a less-experienced person, helping to shape that person’s understanding and teaching principles that will make him or her more effective, stronger, wiser, and more valuable as a servant of God” (Ronald A. Rasband, “Thy Friends Do Stand by Thee” [Brigham Young University devotional, Mar. 7, 2010], 3,

C. Scott Grow

The ultimate role model and mentor, available to all of us, is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ” (C. Scott Grow, “And This Is Life Eternal,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2017, 124).


  • Who in the past has been a mentor to you?

  • What did this person do that helped you?


  • Read and discuss how mentoring applies in these scriptural settings:

  • Discuss what you need to do to develop a positive mentoring relationship. Consider how often you will communicate, how to keep your relationship equal (the mentor is a guide, not a called leader), and how much help the mentor will provide. Write down your ideas.

two men running


  • With your mentor, review the ideas you wrote down for the second activity in this section, and decide on which ideas you want to try. Then implement those ideas in the coming weeks.

  • Set a regular time to meet with your mentor and discuss your progress and your questions.
