To help class members have a greater understanding and appreciation of Jesus Christ as the Light of the World and the Good Shepherd.
Read, ponder, and pray about the following scriptures:
John 9. Jesus affirms that he is the Light of the World and heals a man who was born blind. The healed man testifies to the Pharisees and worships Jesus.
John 10:1–15, 25–28. Jesus teaches that he is the Good Shepherd and that he will lay down his life for his sheep. The Lord’s sheep are those who hear his voice and follow him.
If the following materials are available, use them during the lesson:
The picture Christ Healing a Blind Man (62145; Gospel Art Picture Kit 213).
Segment 3 of “New Testament Customs,” a selection from New Testament Video Presentations (53914).
Suggestion for teaching: “It is wise to fear that our own skills are inadequate to meet the charge we have to nourish the faith of others. Our own abilities, however great, will not be enough. But that realistic view of our limitations creates a humility which can lead to dependence on the Spirit and thus to power” (Henry B. Eyring, in Conference Report, Oct. 1997, 114; or Ensign, Nov. 1997, 82–83).
Suggested Lesson Development
Additional Teaching Ideas
The following material supplements the suggested lesson outline. You may want to use one or more of these ideas as part of the lesson.
1. Our responsibilities as shepherds
How are we also shepherds for the Lord’s sheep? What can we do to help others hear and follow the voice of the Good Shepherd?
Elder Bruce R. McConkie taught: “Anyone serving in any capacity in the Church in which he [or she] is responsible for the spiritual or temporal well-being of any of the Lord’s children is a shepherd to those sheep. The Lord holds his shepherds accountable for the safety (salvation) of his sheep” (Mormon Doctrine, 2nd ed. [1966], 710).
To whom did Jesus refer in John 10:16? (See 3 Nephi 15:21–24.) When did these “other sheep” hear the Savior’s voice? How could this verse help someone who is investigating the Church to have a better understanding of the Book of Mormon?
Elder Howard W. Hunter taught: “Those who are familiar with the life and teachings of the Master from their knowledge of the books of the Bible will be interested to know there is also a record of his appearance to the people of the Western Hemisphere—the other sheep to whom he made reference. It is titled the Book of Mormon after the prophet who compiled and abridged the records of the peoples of the American continents. The Book of Mormon is another witness for Christ and records his teachings to the other flock in the New World” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1983, 19; or Ensign, May 1983, 16).
3. Different ways of seeing
To help class members more fully appreciate the ways the Savior helps us see, make a wordstrip for several different meanings of the word see (suggested definitions appear below). Place the wordstrips in a hat or box, and have class members take turns choosing a wordstrip and explaining how the Savior helps us see in the way it describes. This idea could be especially effective for youth classes.