Acts 10–15

Acts 10–15


After His Resurrection, Jesus Christ commanded His Apostles to teach and baptize people from all nations (see Matthew 28:19). This commandment began to be fulfilled when a righteous Gentile named Cornelius and the Apostle Peter received revelations and were divinely directed to each other. Peter baptized Cornelius, and from there the gospel spread to the Gentiles. But some still opposed the work of the Apostles, which is what happened when the Apostle James was martyred and Peter was imprisoned. After many prayers of the righteous, Peter was freed from prison by an angel. Desiring to help fulfill the charge to teach all nations, the Apostles Paul and Barnabas departed on a mission. They also faced much opposition but were blessed with much success; many of the Gentiles they taught accepted the gospel of Christ. Questions arose about the need for Gentile converts to be circumcised and adhere to the law of Moses. The question was taken to Peter and other Church leaders, who counseled together and received revelation on the matter.
