Doctrinal Mastery: 1 Peter 4:6

Doctrinal Mastery: 1 Peter 4:6

“The Gospel [Was] Preached Also to Them That Are Dead”

The resurrected Jesus Christ preaching to spirits in the Spirit World.

In your study of 1 Peter 4, you learned that the Savior established missionary work in the spirit world so all of Heavenly Father’s children could have an opportunity to receive salvation. This lesson can help you memorize the doctrinal mastery reference and key scripture phrase for 1 Peter 4:6. It can also help you explain the doctrine taught in that passage. Then you will have the opportunity to apply that doctrine and the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge to a realistic scenario.

Memorize and explain

Take a moment to draw a diagram of the plan of salvation.

1. Answer the following questions in your study journal:

  • All of God’s children were taught the gospel in premortal life. What happened to those who accepted the gospel by choosing God’s plan? What happened to those who rejected it?

  • How is the gospel taught here on earth?

  • What happens to those who never have the chance to learn of Jesus Christ or receive authorized priesthood ordinances in this life?

  • Where can we read about this in the New Testament?

Write the doctrinal mastery reference and key scripture phrase “ 1 Peter 4:6: ‘The gospel [was] preached also to them that are dead’” on a piece of paper. Erase or cover three to four words or numbers, and try to recite the reference and phrase with the missing parts. Continue this process until you can recite the reference and key scripture phrase completely from memory.

Practice application

In the previous lesson, you learned the following truth from 1 Peter 4:6: The gospel is preached to the dead so that they might have the same opportunities as those who hear the gospel in mortality.

Use the following scenario to practice applying this truth and the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge.

Scenario: Part 1

Imagine you have a friend named Jason who is meeting with the missionaries. Jason asks to come to seminary with you to learn more about the gospel. On his first day in seminary, your teacher asks the class to review with a partner the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge. Jason turns to you and asks, “What are the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge?”

  • How would you introduce Jason to the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge? (Consider reviewing paragraphs 5–12 in the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” section of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document (2022) if you need help with this question.)

Scenario: Part 2

Later that week, Jason and the missionaries meet at your home. You help the missionaries teach about the first principles and ordinances of the gospel, including faith in Jesus Christ and baptism by immersion for the remission of sins. The missionaries use John 3:5 to teach that baptism by proper priesthood authority is necessary to be saved in the kingdom of heaven. Jason thinks about that for a moment, then looks a little sad. One of the missionaries asks why he is sad, and Jason replies, “My grandpa was never baptized, but he was a really good man who always said he wanted to live a good life so he could go to heaven. Will he?” You say a silent prayer, asking Heavenly Father how you could help Jason. The idea to use the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge and the doctrine taught in 1 Peter 4:6 comes to your mind.

2. Complete the following in your study journal:

Outline how you could use the three principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge and the doctrine taught in 1 Peter 4:6 to help Jason find answers to his question and feel at peace about his grandpa. After outlining, prepare a response for Jason. Think about what questions you would ask to help him discover and feel the truth of the doctrine. Be sure to include all three principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge and the doctrine taught in 1 Peter 4:6 in your response.

If needed, you may use some or all of the following questions to guide you.

  • How could you help Jason have an eternal perspective? What would you tell Jason about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ that could give him peace about his grandpa?

  • In addition to 1 Peter 4:6, what are some other divinely appointed sources you might share with Jason to help him feel hope through Jesus Christ? How would you use these passages to help Jason discover the truth?

  • What could acting in faith look like in Jason’s situation? What would you invite him to do?

  • What experiences have you had doing temple or family history work for your ancestors that you could share with Jason?

  • What would you testify of to help your friend?
