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Doctrinal Mastery: Ephesians 2:19–20

Doctrinal Mastery: Ephesians 2:19–20

The Church Is Founded on Jesus Christ and His Apostles and Prophets

All the members of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles are seated or standing with the Christus Statue and statues of the Original Twelve at the Visitors’ Center in Rome, Italy. Front Left to Right: Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Jeffrey R. Holland, M. Russell Ballard, Dallin H. Oaks, Russell M. Nelson, Henry B. Eyring, David A. Bednar, Quentin L. Cook, D. Todd Christofferson, Gary E. Stevenson, Ronald A. Rasband, Neil L. Andersen, Dale G. Renlund, Gerrit W. Gong, Ulisses Soares

In your study of Ephesians 2, you learned that the Church of Jesus Christ is built on a foundation of apostles and prophets and that Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone. This lesson is intended to increase your mastery of these teachings as you memorize the reference and key scripture phrase for Ephesians 2:19–20, explain the doctrine, and apply the doctrine and the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge in a real-life situation.

Memorize and explain

Line drawing of a meetinghouse.

To help you memorize this doctrinal mastery reference and key scripture phrase, write the following at least three times in your study journal: “Ephesians 2:19–20. The Church is ‘built upon the foundation of apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.’”

You could write the phrase in a way that also illustrates this truth. For example, you could draw a rectangle around the phrase to symbolize a foundation and draw a church on top of it. Or, if you drew an example of this foundation for the previous lesson, you could write the key phrase on or near that drawing.

Writing on a piece of paper with a pen or pencil. 1. To help you explain what you know about prophets and apostles, do the following activity in your study journal.

  1. Read Ephesians 2:19–20, and ponder the message it contains.

  2. Think of a question someone may have about prophets and apostles that Ephesians 2:19–20 could help answer. Some examples may be “Why does your church have prophets and apostles?” “What do the scriptures teach about prophets and apostles?” or “What is the relationship between the Savior and prophets and apostles?” Write down your question.

  3. Using Ephesians 2:19–20, write what you would say to answer the question.

Practice application

The following activity can help you review the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge. Match each statement with the appropriate principle of acquiring spiritual knowledge. If needed, use paragraphs 5–12 in the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” section of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document (2022) to help you.  

  1. Sincere seekers of truth should be wary of unreliable sources of information.

  1. Act in faith.

  1. As we are faithful to the truth and light we have already received, we will receive more.

  1. Examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective.

  1. As we stay anchored to our trust in our Heavenly Father and His plan of salvation, we are able to see issues more clearly.

  1. Seek further understanding through divinely appointed sources.

Imagine that your close friend Estelle feels conflicted. She has a testimony of prophets and apostles, but she opposes a current Church teaching. In fact, she has strong feelings against it. She asks you for help to know what to do. In that moment you do not know what to say, but you decide to follow the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge you have used in seminary to prepare to help your friend.

Use the following chart to reflect on your own thoughts and feelings about prophets and apostles and how you could help Estelle.

How have I learned to trust in and follow apostles and prophets?

How might I help my friend?

How have I learned to trust in and follow apostles and prophets?

What experiences have I had when I acted with faith in Jesus Christ to follow His apostles and prophets? Which experience may be helpful to share with Estelle?

How might I help my friend?

What questions could I ask Estelle to help her consider how the Lord may want her to act in faith?

How have I learned to trust in and follow apostles and prophets?

What do I already know about Heavenly Father, His plan, and how He interacts with His children that might help Estelle in this situation?

How might I help my friend?

What questions could I ask Estelle to help her see her concern with an eternal perspective?

How have I learned to trust in and follow apostles and prophets?

What divinely appointed sources have helped me trust in apostles and prophets? How have they helped me?

How might I help my friend?

What divinely appointed sources would I recommend Estelle turn to?

Writing on a piece of paper with a pen or pencil. 2. Do the following in your study journal:

Write down how you think your conversation might go with Estelle or draw it in a comic strip with stick figures. Be sure to be realistic with what you would say and how you think Estelle may respond.