Doctrinal Mastery: James 1:5–6

Doctrinal Mastery: James 1:5–6

“Ask of God”

The Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr. in the Sacred Grove (in Manchester, New York) when he received the First Vision. Joseph is depicted kneeling before God the Father and Jesus Christ. Both God the Father and Christ are portrayed wearing white robes. The Father is presenting Christ to Joseph. There are trees in the background. (Joseph Smith - History 1:15-20)

In a previous lesson, “James 1,” you learned that God blesses us with wisdom if we ask Him in faith. This lesson can help you memorize the doctrinal mastery reference and key scripture phrase for James 1:5–6, explain the doctrine, and apply principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge in real-life situations.

Memorize and explain

Imagine a friend is struggling to make an important decision in his or her life. You know this friend did not grow up believing that we can speak directly to God in prayer.

Recall that in the previous lesson, you studied the following truth from James 1:5–6: God will bless us with wisdom if we ask of Him in faith.

Writing on a piece of paper with a pen or pencil. 1. Answer the following question in your study journal:

  • How could you use James 1:5–6 to explain the relationship Heavenly Father invites us to have with Him? (It may be helpful to include examples of questions someone might ask or wisdom they might seek from God in prayer, as well as personal experiences or scriptural examples.)

Being able to find and explain this doctrinal mastery passage could help you as you share the gospel with others throughout your life. To help you commit this passage to memory, look at the image of Joseph Smith’s First Vision at the beginning of the lesson while repeating the following key scripture phrase and reference as many times as you can in one minute: “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God” (James 1:5–6).

Practice application

Young Joseph Smith sits in a chair reading the bible.

Joseph Smith is one of many scriptural examples of people who have been blessed by following the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge. For the following practice application, you will study one example of how he applied these principles in his life. Before you begin, take some time to briefly review these principles in paragraphs 5–12 of the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” section of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document (2022).

  • Think of what you already know about Joseph Smith’s experience. What questions did Joseph have? (See Joseph Smith—History 1:8–10.)

  • Why is it important for us to seek answers from God to our own questions just as Joseph Smith did?

Think of any questions you have or wisdom you are seeking. As you complete the following activity, think about how Joseph’s example of applying principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge could help you in situations that require wisdom from God.

Study Joseph Smith—History 1:8, 11–17, and consider marking each phrase that shows how Joseph followed the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge as a teenager. Though you may already be familiar with his story, look for details in these verses that reveal Joseph’s desires, attitudes, and faith beyond what you may have noticed before.

  • What examples did you find of Joseph acting in faith, keeping an eternal perspective, and using divinely appointed sources?

Writing on a piece of paper with a pen or pencil. 2. Answer at least four of the following questions in your study journal:

Seek further understanding through divinely appointed sources

  • Why do you think it was important to Joseph Smith to seek answers to his questions directly from God?

  • What did Joseph believe would happen if he did not go to God to find answers? (See Joseph Smith—History 1:13.)

  • In addition to prayer, how else can you seek answers from God?

Examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective

  • What do you think Joseph knew about God that gave him confidence to ask Him directly for answers?

  • When answers to your questions do not come quickly, how is it helpful to understand how Heavenly Father reveals truth to His children?

  • Why would Satan want to prevent Joseph—and you—from praying to God for answers?

Act in faith

  • How did Joseph Smith demonstrate “ask[ing] in faith, nothing wavering” (James 1:6), even when Satan tried to prevent him from praying? (See Joseph Smith—History 1:15–16.)

  • How could Joseph’s example help you with your own questions and concerns? Consider making a specific plan for how you will act in faith.