Doctrinal Mastery: John 3:5

Doctrinal Mastery: John 3:5

Born of Water and of the Spirit to Enter the Kingdom of God

girl getting baptized

In a previous lesson, you studied the Savior’s words to Nicodemus about being spiritually reborn through the ordinances of baptism and confirmation. In this lesson you can practice applying the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge using the doctrine that we must be born of water and of the Spirit to enter the kingdom of God.

Memorize and explain

Imagine that you have been asked to teach a Primary class about this truth taught in John 3:5: we must be born of water and of the Spirit to enter the kingdom of God.

1. Write your response to the following prompt in your study journal.

  • How would you explain to the Primary class what this doctrine means? Include thoughts about the Savior’s role in this process, as taught in Alma 7:14.

The following exercise can help you remember the doctrinal mastery passage and memorize its key scripture phrase. You can complete a similar activity in the Doctrinal Mastery app if you have access to it. With a pencil, write in your study journal, “ John 3:5: Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.” Repeat the phrase aloud or in your mind a few times. Select three or four words and erase all but the first letter of each of these words. Repeat the phrase again a couple of times. Repeat this exercise until only the first letters of each word remain, as shown here: “J____ 3:_E_____ a m__ b_ b___ o_ w____ a__ o_ t__ S_____, h_ c_____ e____ i___ t__ k______ o_ G__.”Repeat the phrase several times using the first letters, and then try reciting it without looking.

Practice application

Imagine that you have a friend named Meghan who is a member of the Church, but her mother is not. Her mother believes in Jesus Christ and the Bible but doesn’t belong to any particular church. Meghan asks you, “Can’t my mother go to heaven without being baptized if she lives a good life?”

  • What are some reasons Meghan might ask this question?

  • Why is it important to understand her reasons for asking this question before trying to help her find answers?

To help Meghan find an answer to her question about the importance of baptism, you can apply the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge.

Act in faith

Read paragraphs 5–7 of the section “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” in the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document (2022). Consider underlining words or phrases that would be helpful to apply in this scenario.

  • What words or phrases did you underline? How can you apply them in this scenario?

Examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective

Read paragraphs 8–10 in the same section of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document. Consider underlining words or phrases that would be helpful to apply in this scenario.

  • What words or phrases did you underline? How can you apply them in this scenario?

Seek further understanding through divinely appointed sources

Read paragraphs 11–12 in the same section of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document. Consider underlining words or phrases that would be helpful to apply in this scenario.

  • What words or phrases did you underline? How can you apply them in this scenario?

2. Based on what you have learned from your study of John 3:5, explain how you would help Meghan apply the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge to answer her question.
