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Doctrinal Mastery: Luke 22:19–20

Doctrinal Mastery: Luke 22:19–20

“This Do in Remembrance of Me”

Sacrament trays with bread and water.

In your study of Matthew 26:26–30, you learned about the Savior introducing the ordinance of the sacrament to His disciples at the Last Supper. This lesson will give you the opportunity to increase your mastery of the doctrine of the sacrament. You will do so through memorizing the reference and key scripture phrase for the doctrinal mastery passage Luke 22:19–20, through explaining the doctrine, and through applying principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge.

Memorize and explain

Imagine bringing a friend to church who knows nothing about organized religion or Jesus Christ. After sacrament meeting, she asks, “What was the purpose of passing the bread and water around to everyone?”

Writing on a piece of paper with a pen or pencil. 1. Answer the following question in your study journal:

  • How would you explain the ordinance of the sacrament to your friend?

Recall that during the Last Supper with His disciples, the Savior instituted the ordinance of the sacrament (see Matthew 26:26–30; Mark 14:22–25; Luke 22:17–20). Read the doctrinal mastery scripture passage Luke 22:19–20.

In your study journal, use a pencil to lightly write the following scripture reference and key scripture phrase: “Luke 22:19–20: Jesus Christ commanded, partake of the sacrament ‘in remembrance of me.’”

Repeat this scripture reference and key scripture phrase aloud. Then erase two words or numbers, and practice saying the scripture reference and phrase again. Repeat this same pattern, erasing words or numbers and reciting the scripture reference and key phrase, until all of the words and numbers are erased. Then write as much of this scripture reference and key phrase as you can from memory.

Practice application

Briefly review the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge (see Doctrinal Mastery Core Document [2022], “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge”). Choose one of the three principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge and draw a simple symbol or picture that you feel represents it.

Now practice using the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge and the doctrine taught in Luke 22:19–20 by reading the following scenario and answering the questions that follow.

Judy is 15 years old, has been a member of the Church all of her life, and has always attended her church meetings regularly. She lives with her mom and grandmother, who are great examples to her. This past Sunday, Judy was particularly interested in the speakers’ topics in sacrament meeting. Each speaker shared powerful and sincere personal experiences about partaking of the sacrament and how it helps increase the influence of the Savior in their lives. This made her think about how she hasn’t had many similar experiences of her own. She recognizes that during the sacrament she is often distracted by her phone or by what others are doing, or she is thinking about how quickly she can get home to take a nap.

  • Have you ever felt this way?

  • Why do you think people sometimes feel this way?

In your study journal, create a heading for each of the three principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge: (1) act in faith, (2) examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective, and (3) seek further understanding through divinely appointed sources.

Below each heading, write down specific ways that principle of acquiring spiritual knowledge could help Judy with her situation. For example, you might suggest specific ways she could act in faith, share how keeping an eternal perspective might be helpful in her situation, and suggest some divinely appointed sources she might use for guidance and direction.

Writing on a piece of paper with a pen or pencil. 2. Answer the following questions in your study journal:

  • What would you advise Judy to begin doing to resolve her concerns?

  • How could you use each of the three principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge to help Judy?

If you need help applying these principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge, consider the following questions.

Act in faith

  • What advice would you give Judy that could help her have a better experience partaking of the sacrament?

  • What might get in the way of her making these changes? How might she overcome these obstacles?

Examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective

  • What questions could you ask Judy to help her see her situation with an eternal perspective? Why would you choose those questions?

Seek further understanding through divinely appointed sources

  • What is taught in Luke 22 and in other scriptures or by Church leaders that might help Judy?

  • Where else could Judy turn for help to improve her experience partaking of the sacrament?