Hebrews 1–10
“A More Excellent Name”
All followers of Jesus Christ will experience trials of their faith. Such was the case for many Jewish Christians. Under the pressure of various persecutions, many were withdrawing from the Church and returning to the relative safety of Jewish worship at the synagogue. Paul wanted to show these Jewish Christians that Jesus is greater than Moses and that His ministry brought a new covenant superior to the old covenant under the law of Moses. This lesson can help fortify your faith in the Savior as you learn of His power over all things by identifying and studying some of His titles and roles.
Titles of Jesus Christ
Take one minute and list in your study journal as many words or phrases that describe you as you can think of.
Why did you use the words and phrases you did?
Just as you have words or phrases that describe you, Jesus Christ also has many names or titles that describe Him. As we come to know these titles more completely, we come to better understand who He is and how much He loves us.
In your study journal, list some titles you already know for the Savior.
How does knowing and understanding these titles of Jesus Christ influence how you view Him?
President Russell M. Nelson taught ways we can be blessed as we learn more about the Savior:
The more you learn about the Savior, the easier it will be to trust in His mercy, His infinite love, and His strengthening, healing, and redeeming power.
(Russell M. Nelson, “Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains,” Liahona, May 2021, 103)
In what ways do you need the help from the Savior that President Nelson described?
Just as we need the Savior, so did the Jewish Christians who were not attending Church meetings because of persecution and other types of pressure. They were returning to the familiarity and relative safety of traditional Jewish worship, which did not include a belief in Jesus Christ (see Hebrews 10:25, 38–39). You can learn more about this epistle by studying “ Hebrews, Epistle to” in Guide to the Scriptures.
Finding titles and roles of Jesus Christ
Paul shared many titles and roles of the Savior that may have helped the Saints to recognize their need for Him. For example, Hebrews 1:2 emphasizes the Savior’s title of “Son,” which relates to Him being “heir of all things.” Hebrews 1:2, 10 explains Jesus’s role as Creator of the heavens and the earth.
Now that you have seen some examples of titles of the Savior, read the following verses and look for additional titles and roles of Jesus Christ. Consider marking what you find.
What is a truth you identified about the Savior from one or more of His titles and roles?
1. Complete the following in your study journal. Be sure to include your answers the two questions at the end of the lesson.
Choose a title or role that depicts an action you need Jesus Christ to perform in your life, and write it in the center of a piece of paper. Using the scriptures, the Gospel Library app, or ChurchofJesusChrist.org, look for more insights on the title of Jesus Christ you selected. One way to start your study is by finding the entry “Jesus Christ” in Guide to the Scriptures or the Topical Guide. You could then look up various scriptures focused on the Savior.
Around the title write your thoughts about Jesus Christ and why that title is meaningful to you. These thoughts could include
phrases from the verses or quotes you read,
ideas on how the Savior’s fulfillment of that role could help you in your life,
your insights about how understanding that title can strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ, and
any questions you have about that title.
Now that you have practiced identifying names and titles of Jesus Christ, take a moment to reflect on how well you are using this skill in your scripture study.
How did looking for titles of Jesus Christ help you know Him better?
How could you incorporate the study of titles of Jesus Christ into your regular scripture study?
Look for titles of Jesus Christ in your personal study and with your family as you continue to study the New Testament and other scriptures.
Optional: Want to Learn More?
Why should I learn about Jesus Christ?
President Russell M. Nelson taught:
Worldwide Devotional, January 2017
If you proceed to learn all you can about Jesus Christ, I promise you that your love for Him, and for God’s laws, will grow beyond what you currently imagine. I promise you also that your ability to turn away from sin will increase. Your desire to keep the commandments will soar. You will find yourself better able to walk away from the entertainment and entanglements of those who mock the followers of Jesus Christ. …
Study everything Jesus Christ is by prayerfully and vigorously seeking to understand what each of His various titles and names means personally for you.
(Russell M. Nelson, “Prophets, Leadership, and Divine Law” [worldwide devotional for young adults, Jan. 8, 2017], ChurchofJesusChrist.org; emphasis added)
Hebrews 1:2, 10. How can Jesus’s role as Creator influence my life?
Chad H Webb, administrator of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion, explained:
You may remember that President Boyd K. Packer was an accomplished artist who enjoyed carving wooden birds. One day he was a passenger in a car driven by Elder A. Theodore Tuttle, and one of his carvings rested on the backseat of the car. At an intersection, Elder Tuttle slammed on the brakes and the carving tipped upside down on the floor and broke into pieces. Elder Tuttle was devastated, but President Packer was not. He simply said, “Forget it. I made it. I can fix it.” And he did. He made it stronger than it was and even improved it a bit. President Packer explained, “Who made you? Who is your Creator? There is not anything about your life that gets bent or broken that He cannot fix and will fix.”
(Chad H Webb, “We Talk of Christ, We Rejoice in Christ,” Seminaries and Institutes of Religion Annual Training Broadcast, June 12, 2018, ChurchofJesusChrist.org)
How can knowing Jesus Christ bring me hope?
The following experience shared by Elder Ronald A. Rasband can help us understand how knowing titles and roles of Jesus Christ can provide hope.
Jesus Christ Is the Answer
Hebrews 2:10. In what ways is Jesus “the captain of [our] salvation”?
The following podcast episode shares insights on how Jesus Christ is the captain of our salvation: