Joseph Smith—Matthew
Watch for the Lord’s Coming
In a private conversation on the Mount of Olives, Jesus Christ answered His disciples’ questions about His Second Coming. This lesson can help you understand what the Savior taught about the signs of His coming and look forward to the day when He will return to the earth.
Visualizing Jesus Christ’s coming
Think about what you know about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the signs that will come before it. Imagine what it will be like.
What do you visualize when you think about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?
What feelings do you have when thinking about the Savior’s coming?
As you study today, listen for promptings from the Holy Ghost to help you know what you can do to look forward to the day when Jesus Christ will come again.
The signs preceding the Second Coming of Jesus Christ
When the disciples asked the Savior, “What is the sign of thy coming?” (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:4), He taught them about the events leading up to His Second Coming. Although nobody except Heavenly Father knows the exact day or hour this will happen, Jesus explained the importance of watching for different signs He gave (see Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:40, 46).
One place in the scriptures where the signs of the Lord’s coming are outlined is in Joseph Smith—Matthew. This is Joseph Smith’s translation, or revision, of Matthew 24, found in the Pearl of Great Price.
What are some signs you know will precede the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?
To find some of the signs the Lord revealed and a reason He revealed them, read Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:22–23, 28–36, 48. You could also see “Signs of the Times” in the Guide to the Scriptures, available on
1. Answer the following questions in your study journal:
What stands out to you about the signs the Savior gave of His Second Coming?
What can we learn about Jesus Christ by knowing that He revealed these signs long before His Second Coming?
How do you feel as you visualize the gospel being “preached in all the world” (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:31) and the Savior “coming in the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory”? (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:36). Why?
Select at least one of the following phrases and consider marking it in your scriptures. As you mark the words, think about Jesus Christ’s message. Look for what the Savior’s words can teach you about Him and His desires for you.“See that ye be not troubled” (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:23).“He that shall not be overcome, the same shall be saved” (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:30).“My words shall not pass away, but all shall be fulfilled” (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:35).“Be ye also ready” (Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:48).
What attitude do you think the Savior wants you to have about His coming?
Which of Jesus Christ’s words help you to love and trust Him?
Throughout this week, you will study more about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and how you can be ready for it.
Anticipating the Lord’s return
As you read the following statement from Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, visualize what he says and think about your own attitude about the Second Coming.
The thought of His coming stirs my soul. It will be breathtaking! The scope and grandeur, the vastness and magnificence, will exceed anything mortal eyes have ever seen or experienced.
In that day … He will appear “in the clouds of heaven, clothed with power and great glory; with all the holy angels” [Doctrine and Covenants 45:44]. … The sun and the moon will be transformed, and “stars [will] be hurled from their places” [Doctrine and Covenants 133:49]. …
… We will kneel in reverence, “and the Lord shall utter his voice, and all the ends of the earth shall hear it” [Doctrine and Covenants 45:49]. …
In that day the skeptics will be silent, “for every ear shall hear … , and every knee shall bow, and every tongue shall confess” [Doctrine and Covenants 88:104] that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, the Savior and Redeemer of the world.
… May we prepare for His coming by rehearsing these glorious events over and over in our own minds and with those we love.
(Neil L. Andersen, “Thy Kingdom Come,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2015, 122)
What thoughts or feelings did you have as you visualized what Elder Andersen described?
How did this lesson influence the thoughts or feelings you had at the beginning of class about the Second Coming?
2. Take a minute to record some of the details you can visualize about the Lord’s return in your study journal. Try to picture yourself seeing the Lord and hearing His voice. Then, answer the following questions:
What could help you visualize the Lord’s coming as a glorious event?
Who is someone you might talk to about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?
Optional: Want to Learn More?
Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:36–37. What will it be like when the Savior comes again?
On another occasion, Elder Neil L. Andersen shared his thoughts about the time when Jesus Christ will return to the earth in glory:
We Talk of Christ
Elder Andersen encourages us to learn more about the Savior and talk about Him at home, at church, on social media, and in our everyday conversations.
Nothing lifts my desire to speak of Christ more than visualizing His return. While we do not know when He will come, the events of His return will be breathtaking! He will come in the clouds of heaven in majesty and glory with all His holy angels. Not just a few angels but all His holy angels. These are not the cherry-cheeked cherubim painted by Raphael, found on our Valentine cards. These are the angels of the centuries, the angels sent to shut the mouths of lions [see Daniel 6:22], to open prison doors [see Acts 5:19], to announce His long-awaited birth [see Luke 2:2–14], to comfort Him in Gethsemane [see Luke 22:42–43], to assure His disciples at His Ascension [see Acts 1:9–11], and to open the glorious Restoration of the gospel.
Can you imagine being caught up to meet Him, whether on this side or the other side of the veil? [see 1 Thessalonians 4:16–17; Doctrine and Covenants 88:96–98]. That is His promise to the righteous. This amazing experience will mark our souls forever.
(Neil L. Andersen, “We Talk of Christ,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2020, 91)
What if I am worried about the signs of the Savior’s Second Coming?
The video “Be Not Troubled” (5:10) helps us understand that we do not need to fear the signs of the last days. This video is located on