


Jesus teaching in the temple as a young boy.




Jesus Christ depicted as a young boy in the carpenter shop of Joseph. Joseph is standing behind the young Christ. Christ is reading the scriptures from a scroll resting on a table. There are wood shavings on the table.
Christ as a youth learning carpentry skills in a carpenter’s shop. Joseph, the husband of Mary, is watching him.
Jesus Christ depicted as a child with his mother Mary. Christ is kneeling beside Mary and resting His clasped hands on Mary’s lap. Mary has her head bowed as she and the young Christ pray. There is an oil lamp burning on a table next to the mother and son.
Jesus Christ at age twelve in the temple at Jerusalem during the Feast of the Passover. A group of learned Jewish doctors are gathered around Christ. The doctors are expressing astonishment at the wisdom and understanding of the young Christ. (Luke 2:41-50)
  • 知道耶稣少年时期的样子,对于身为青少年的你会有何帮助?


阅读 路加福音2:40-52约瑟·斯密译本,马太福音3:24-26 (在约瑟·斯密译本附录),找出关于救主少年时期状况的细节。不妨将你找到的答案划记下来。

不妨也观看「孩童耶稣在圣殿中教导」(2:30),可在 ChurchofJesusChrist.org 上取得。

注意「强健起来」这个形容( 路加福音2:40 ;亦见 约瑟·斯密译本,马太福音3:24 〔在约瑟·斯密译本附录〕),说的是耶稣在灵性上成长。根据约瑟·斯密译本, 路加福音2:46 (在约瑟·斯密译本附录 ),并非少年耶稣一面听博士或文士们说话,一面问他们问题,而是「教师们一面听,一面问」耶稣问题,知道这一点会有帮助。


  • 关于耶稣少年时期的状况,这个记事教导了你什么?

  • 关于耶稣基督少年时期成长与发展的方式, 第52节 教导了你什么?

我们从 路加福音2:52 中学到,我们效法耶稣基督的榜样,就能在智能、体能、灵性和社交上有所成长

  • 经文中有哪些例子可以说明,耶稣基督在这四个方面的能力?

  • 你之所以会想在生活中的这四个方面,效法救主榜样的理由有哪些?