Doctrinal Mastery Review 15

Doctrinal Mastery Review 15

Apply Doctrinal Mastery Passages

youth studying together in Sunday School class

One of the purposes of doctrinal mastery is to help you learn how to apply the doctrinal mastery passages appropriately as you teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to others. This lesson will give you opportunities to practice applying some of the doctrinal mastery passages to a variety of teaching situations.  

Possible Learning Activities

Student preparation: Invite students to think of experiences they have had using scriptures to answer questions or teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to others. Encourage them to come to class ready to share the situation and the scriptures they used to teach.

A doctrinal mastery passage lesson may need to be taught in place of this review lesson. Refer to the pacing schedule provided by the area or region director or coordinator to ensure that each doctrinal mastery passage lesson will be taught while seminary is in session.

The standard works contain many stories of people using the scriptures to teach others. Some examples include Jesus Christ teaching two of His disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:27), Nephi encouraging his brothers to retrieve the brass plates (see 1 Nephi 4:2), and Moroni instructing young Joseph Smith (Joseph Smith—History 1:36–41).

Invite students who did the student preparation activity to share their experiences as they answer the following questions.

  • When have you or someone you know used the scriptures to teach others?

  • Why do you think it is important to use the scriptures in addition to our own explanations as we teach others?

Review the following list of doctrinal mastery references and key scripture phrases. Ponder different situations you might face where you could use these passages to teach somebody.

New Testament Doctrinal Mastery: 1 Corinthians–Revelation

Display or distribute the following chart for students to use throughout this learning experience. Students may have a copy of this from a previous lesson.

1 Corinthians 6:19–20

“Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost.”

1 Corinthians 11:11

“Neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord.”

1 Corinthians 15:20–22

“As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.”

1 Corinthians 15:40–42

In the Resurrection, there are three degrees of glory.

Ephesians 1:10

“In the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ.”

Ephesians 2:19–20

The Church is “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.”

2 Thessalonians 2:1–3

“The day of Christ … shall not come, except there come a falling away first.”

2 Timothy 3:15–17

“The holy scriptures … are able to make thee wise unto salvation.”

Hebrews 12:9

Heavenly Father is “the Father of spirits.”

James 1:5–6

“If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God.”

James 2:17–18

“Faith, if it hath not works, is dead.”

1 Peter 4:6

“The gospel [was] preached also to them that are dead.”

Revelation 20:12

“And the dead were judged … according to their works.”

Consider creating a label on a piece of paper for each of the following situations and placing them around the classroom. (Students might also be invited to create their own real-life situations to work on rather than these suggested situations.)

  • Funeral

  • Mission

  • Youth

  • Devotional

  • Friend

Divide the class into four groups and assign each group to one of the situations listed above. Provide the appropriate questions listed below to each group, and invite them to discuss.

Let each group rotate through each of the situations. Tell students they may use the same scripture reference in different scenarios.


Imagine you were asked to speak at the funeral of a loved one.

  • What are three doctrinal mastery passages you could share?

  • How do you think these passages could help?

Select one of the scriptures you chose for this scenario, and read the entire passage.

  • In addition to the key scripture phrase, what else did you learn?


Imagine you and your missionary companion are teaching somebody who wonders why we need a restored church.

  • What are three doctrinal mastery passages you could share?

  • How do you think these passages could help?

Select one of the scriptures you chose for this scenario, and read the entire passage.

  • In addition to the key scripture phrase, what else did you learn?

Youth Devotional

Imagine you are part of a youth committee assigned to choose topics for an upcoming youth devotional in your stake or district.

  • What are three doctrinal mastery passages you could share?

  • How do you think these passages could help?

Select one of the scriptures you chose for this scenario, and read the entire passage.

  • In addition to the key scripture phrase, what else did you learn?


Imagine you have a friend who is struggling to feel close to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. They ask for your advice.

  • What are three doctrinal mastery passages you could share?

  • How do you think these passages could help?

Select one of the scriptures you chose for this scenario, and read the entire passage.

  • In addition to the key scripture phrase, what else did you learn?

As the groups finish this activity, consider asking the class questions such as these:

  • How did this activity help you better understand the need to use scriptures as you teach others?

  • What is one doctrinal mastery passage you better appreciate because of this activity?

  • What did you learn about Jesus Christ from this activity?

Encourage students to continue looking for opportunities to use doctrinal mastery passages as they teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to others.
