Doctrinal Mastery Review 6

Doctrinal Mastery Review 6

Understand and Explain

young woman teaching class

One purpose of doctrinal mastery is to help you understand the Savior’s teachings contained in the doctrinal mastery passages and be able to explain them in your own words. This lesson will give you an opportunity to deepen your understanding of and explain truths about one or more of the doctrinal mastery passages from the New Testament.

Student preparation: Invite students to identify a scripture study skill or strategy that works well for them and to think about why this skill or strategy is useful to them.

Possible Learning Activities

A doctrinal mastery passage lesson may need to be taught in place of this review lesson. Refer to the pacing schedule provided by the area or region director or coordinator to ensure that each doctrinal mastery passage lesson will be taught while seminary is in session.

Understanding the scriptures

Before beginning the discussion, consider inviting students to spend a minute or two playing a simple game, such as tic-tac-toe or rock paper scissors, with the person sitting next to them. After the game is over, ask the students what strategies they used and why strategy is important when playing games. Then explain that there are also strategies we can use to help us better understand the scriptures.

Invite students to share insights from the suggested student preparation activity. Consider listing their responses on the board.

  • What are some strategies you have used or could use to better understand the scriptures?

  • Why do you think it is important to take time to better understand God’s teachings found in the scriptures?

In this lesson, you will have an opportunity to use a simple strategy to deepen your understanding of one or more of the doctrinal mastery passages from the New Testament. You will also have opportunities to explain to others truths from a passage you choose.

The following is a list of the doctrinal mastery passages from the first half of the New Testament.

Display the following handout so students can refer to it throughout the lesson.

Scripture Reference

Key Scripture Phrase

Scripture Reference

Luke 2:10–12

Key Scripture Phrase

“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”

Scripture Reference

John 3:5

Key Scripture Phrase

“Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.”

Scripture Reference

John 3:16

Key Scripture Phrase

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son.”

Scripture Reference

Matthew 5:14–16

Key Scripture Phrase

“Let your light so shine before men.”

Scripture Reference

Matthew 11:28–30

Key Scripture Phrase

“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Scripture Reference

Matthew 16:15–19

Key Scripture Phrase

Jesus said, “I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom.”

Scripture Reference

John 7:17

Key Scripture Phrase

“If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine.”

Scripture Reference

Matthew 22:36–39

Key Scripture Phrase

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God. … Thou shalt love thy neighbour.”

Scripture Reference

Luke 22:19–20

Key Scripture Phrase

Jesus Christ commanded, partake of the sacrament “in remembrance of me.”

Scripture Reference

John 17:3

Key Scripture Phrase

“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ.”

Scripture Reference

Luke 24:36–39

Key Scripture Phrase

“For a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.”

Deepen your understanding

The following strategy can help you deepen your understanding of a doctrinal mastery passage.

The For the Strength of Youth magazine often includes a scripture study activity called “Line upon Line,” in which a handful of key words or phrases from a scripture passage are explained or defined. To see an example of a “Line upon Line” activity, see “Fear Not,” For the Strength of Youth, Feb. 2021, 32.

Create your own “Line upon Line” page for one of the doctrinal mastery passages from the first half of the New Testament. Consider using art supplies to help you create this page in a visually appealing way. Use the following instructions to help you create your page:

  1. On a blank piece of paper, write the words of the scripture passage you chose.

  2. Choose at least five words or phrases from that scripture passage that you want to focus on.

  3. Find definitions, explanations, examples, related scriptures, or statements by Church leaders that could help deepen your understanding of the words or phrases you chose. List these on the paper.

  4. Include at least one paragraph somewhere on your page that explains what this passage helps you understand about Jesus Christ, His Church, or His mission to save us.

If time allows, repeat this activity with another doctrinal mastery passage from the list.

Share your creation

Invite students to share their creations with a partner or small group and to explain what they learned about the passage they chose to focus on. Students who are willing could share their creations with the entire class.
