Introduction to Doctrinal Mastery
The Purpose of Doctrinal Mastery
This lesson will introduce you to doctrinal mastery and how it can bless your life and help you build your spiritual foundation on Jesus Christ.
Inspired and timely. President M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles made the following declaration to seminary and institute teachers: “[Doctrinal Mastery] is inspired and timely. It will have a wonderful influence on our young people. However, the success of Doctrinal Mastery … will depend to an important extent upon you” (M. Russell Ballard, “The Opportunities and Responsibilities of CES Teachers in the 21st Century” [evening with a General Authority, Feb. 26, 2016],
Student preparation: Invite students to select one of the doctrinal mastery passages that they find interesting, could help with a personal need, or answers a question they have. A list of the passages is located in the Doctrinal Mastery app or near the end of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document.
Possible Learning Activities
Build a foundation on Jesus Christ
Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles warned of spiritual whirlwinds:
More concerning than the prophesied earthquakes and wars [in the latter days] are the spiritual whirlwinds that can uproot you from your spiritual foundations and land your spirit in places you never imagined possible, sometimes with your barely noticing that you have been moved.
(Neil L. Andersen, “Spiritual Whirlwinds,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2014, 18)
What are some of the spiritual whirlwinds that try to uproot us from our spiritual foundations?
Think about a spiritual whirlwind you may be facing. Read Helaman 5:12 and look for ways to withstand this whirlwind.
What did you notice that can help you withstand spiritual whirlwinds?
What do you think it means to build a foundation on Jesus Christ?
In what ways would you personally benefit from building a strong foundation on Jesus Christ?
The following statements are intended to help students reflect on how they feel about their spiritual foundations. They can also help students see other areas doctrinal mastery can help them with. Consider displaying the statements or writing them on the board.
My Spiritual Foundation
Think about your spiritual foundation and rate yourself on the following statements with “Agree,” “Somewhat Agree,” “Somewhat Disagree,” or “Disagree.”
I am building a strong foundation on Jesus Christ and His gospel.
I am increasing my knowledge of Jesus Christ and His doctrine.
I feel comfortable using the scriptures to explain the doctrine of Jesus Christ.
I am able to find answers to the questions I or others have about the gospel.
Doctrinal mastery
Seminary can help you build your foundation on Jesus Christ as you learn His doctrine, come unto Him, and become His disciple (see 3 Nephi 11:39). Read the first two paragraphs in the “Introduction to Doctrinal Mastery” chapter of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document (2022), looking for ways seminary can help you build your foundation on Jesus Christ.
What did you find?
There are two primary outcomes for doctrinal mastery that will help you build your foundation on Jesus Christ. Read the two outcomes for doctrinal mastery in the “Introduction to Doctrinal Mastery” chapter of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document.
Each week in seminary you will work on doctrinal mastery. In most of these lessons, you will study one of 24 scripture passages from the New Testament that are known as doctrinal mastery passages. The following diagram illustrates what you will do in the doctrinal mastery lessons.
Consider displaying the diagram or drawing it on the board. This diagram represents the way doctrinal mastery lessons are organized.
Know and explain the doctrine
Be sensitive to the spiritual maturity of each student. Prayerfully seek the guidance of the Holy Ghost as you personalize the lesson according to students’ needs.
Earlier in the lesson you evaluated yourself on how comfortable you feel using the scriptures to explain the doctrine of Jesus Christ. No matter how you evaluated yourself, studying doctrinal mastery will increase your knowledge of the Savior and His doctrine. Your ability to explain His doctrine using the scriptures will grow.
Look over the list of the New Testament doctrinal mastery passages and their key scripture phrases. You can find this list near the end of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document. Select one of the passages that you find interesting, could help with a personal need, or could help with a question you have.
Students may benefit from discussing the following questions with a partner.
Which scripture passage did you select?
What does this passage teach you about Jesus Christ or His doctrine?
In what ways would knowing how to explain the doctrine from this passage bless your life?
Acquiring spiritual knowledge
Students will have different experience with the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge. Adapt this portion of the lesson according to students’ needs and abilities. There are separate lessons later in the curriculum for each of the three principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge. If most of the students have little or no experience with using the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge, consider teaching the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” parts 1, 2, and 3 lessons before teaching the first doctrinal mastery passage lesson.
In the doctrinal mastery lessons, you will have an opportunity to learn more about and practice using the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge to help you answer personal and social questions as well as questions about the doctrine, practices, or history of the Church. Learning about and using these principles will help you build your foundation on the Savior and turn to Him when you face questions. Three of the principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge you will practice using in seminary are:
Act in faith.
Examine concepts and questions with an eternal perspective.
Seek further understanding through divinely appointed sources.
If you are unfamiliar with these principles, you may want to read paragraphs 5–12 in the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” chapter of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document.
What do you know about these principles?
What experiences have you had with these principles?
In what ways do you think these principles can help you build your foundation on Christ and withstand spiritual whirlwinds?
Doctrinal mastery scripture passages
Each year in seminary you will be encouraged to memorize a key scripture phrase for the 24 doctrinal mastery scripture passages.
Elder Richard G. Scott (1928–2015) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught about memorizing scriptures.
Great power can come from memorizing scriptures. To memorize a scripture is to forge a new friendship. It is like discovering a new individual who can help in time of need, give inspiration and comfort, and be a source of motivation for needed change.
(Richard G. Scott, “The Power of Scripture,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2011, 6)
Why do you think it would be helpful to have various scripture passages memorized?
How do you think memorizing scriptures can help you build your foundation on Jesus Christ and withstand spiritual whirlwinds?
Take a few moments to review the 24 doctrinal mastery passages and key scripture phrases for the New Testament course. You can use the Doctrinal Mastery app or the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document. You may want to start memorizing the reference and key scripture phrase for the passage you selected earlier.
Commentary and Background Information
Why is doctrinal mastery important?
President M. Russell Ballard of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught:
[Doctrinal mastery] will focus on building and strengthening our students’ faith in Jesus Christ and fortifying them with increased ability to live and apply the gospel in their lives. Drawing on the scriptures and the words of the prophets, they will learn how to act with faith in Christ to acquire spiritual knowledge and understanding of His gospel. And they will have opportunities to learn how to apply the doctrine of Christ and gospel principles to the questions and challenges they hear and see every day among their peers and on social media.
(M. Russell Ballard, “The Opportunities and Responsibilities of CES Teachers in the 21st Century” [evening with a General Authority, Feb. 26, 2016],
Supplemental Learning Activities
Doctrinal mastery scripture marking activity
To help students mark the doctrinal mastery scripture passages, consider using this activity. Determine the number of passages to use in this activity, and assign each student a passage (multiple students could be assigned the same passage).
Give students time to prepare, then invite them to do the following: (1) visit another member of the class, (2) share their doctrinal mastery scripture passages with one another, and (3) mark the passages. Repeat this activity multiple times.
To add more variety to the activity, consider inviting students to answer a question to help them become acquainted with one another, or share a situation in which they think knowing this scripture would be helpful.
Doctrinal Mastery app
Help students download the Doctrinal Mastery app on a mobile device. Use class time to help students become familiar with the app and work on some of the activities. Encourage students to use the app outside of class.
Memorizing scriptures
Invite students to imagine themselves as a missionary, a parent, or answering a friend’s questions about the gospel. Ask students to share ways having scriptures memorized could help them in those situations.