After partaking of the Passover meal, Jesus washed His disciples’ feet. He taught them about serving and loving one another. This lesson can encourage you to seek happiness through serving and loving others as Jesus did.
Possible Learning Activities
Trying to be like Jesus
Sing or read the lyrics to “I’m Trying to Be like Jesus” (Children’s Songbook, 78–79). Or you could watch “Music Video: I’m Trying to Be like Jesus—Emily Brown” (3:18), available at As you sing, read, or watch, think about reasons you want to try to be like Jesus.
In what ways are you trying to be like Jesus?
What differences have you seen in people’s lives as they have tried to be like Jesus? What about in your own life?
As you participate in this lesson, pay attention to promptings of the Holy Ghost that can inspire you to better follow the Savior’s example and teachings.
“I have given you an example”
Toward the end of the Savior’s life, He gathered His Apostles together for His final Passover meal. The events of this evening are often referred to as the Last Supper.
Read John 13:1–11, looking for what Jesus did after He and His Apostles finished eating the Passover meal.
It might be helpful to know that during New Testament times, people typically had very dirty feet as a result of wearing sandals and walking on mostly dirt roads. Washing another’s feet would typically have been performed by the lowest level of servants.
What do you learn about Jesus’s character from His act of washing the Apostles’ feet?
How might you have felt or responded if Jesus offered you this type of humble service?
Read John 13:12–17, looking for lessons you can learn from the Savior’s words.
What do you learn from the Savior’s teachings in these verses?
When have you experienced happiness by following Jesus’s example of service?
“Love one another”
After washing the feet of His Apostles, the Savior took time to teach them. Read John 13:34–35 to discover the important doctrine He taught.
As you read and think about these verses, what thoughts, feelings, or questions do you have?
Think of scripture accounts in which the Savior demonstrated love to others.
How did Jesus Christ show love in different ways to different people?
Take some time to think and write about when or how you feel Jesus’s love for you. Consider being still and asking Heavenly Father to help you recognize these times.
How does recognizing and feeling the Savior’s love for you affect your desire to show love to others?
Make a plan of how you could follow the Savior’s example to love and serve others, as well as when you would like to do it. The following ideas might be helpful to think about as you make a plan.
Do something today for a family member, friend, or someone in the community.
Do something to show love and kindness to someone who is different from you or even someone you have struggled to get along with in the past.
Identify someone you feel impressed to show greater love or respect toward.
Consider how you could invite the Savior’s love into your efforts.
The “sop” described in John 13:26 was a small piece of bread that those dining would use to scoop broth and meat from a bowl. Since it was a gesture of kindness and respect for a host to dip a sop and give it to a dinner guest, the Savior by this act presented Judas with an offer of friendship, perhaps one final opportunity for him to abandon his planned betrayal.
How can we help others feel Jesus Christ’s love through our service to them?
President Henry B. Eyring shared the following story:
I was assigned to visit a care center sacrament meeting. I was asked to pass the sacrament. Instead of thinking about the process or precision in the way I passed the sacrament, I instead looked in the faces of each elderly person. I saw many of them weeping. One lady grabbed my sleeve, looked up, and said aloud, “Oh, thank you, thank you.”
The Lord had blessed my service given in His name. That day I had prayed for such a miracle to come instead of praying for how well I might do my part. I prayed that the people would feel the Lord’s love through my loving service. I have learned this is the key to serving and blessing others in His name.