Matthew 26; Mark 14; John 13

Matthew 26; Mark 14; John 13


During the Passover, Jesus taught His disciples about serving and loving one another. He announced that He would be betrayed. He instituted the ordinance of the sacrament as the new way for His disciples to remember Him. This week includes a doctrinal mastery lesson to help students increase their mastery of the doctrine of the sacrament, as well as a lesson to help them assess their learning and progress.

Prepare to Teach

The following information provides teachers with ideas of what may need to be prepared in advance for each lesson.

John 13

Lesson purpose: This lesson can encourage students to seek happiness through serving and loving others as Jesus did.

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: In addition to inviting the students to create an individual plan to show greater love for others, consider making a plan as a class to do something kind for another person together.

Matthew 26:1–25

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students use the Savior’s words in the scriptures to examine their lives and determine areas in which they need to improve.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to think of a time when they have applied counsel or teachings from the scriptures, Church leaders, or the Holy Ghost to their life. How would their life be different if they had not chosen to apply that counsel?

  • Video:Lord, Is It I?” (18:17; watch from time code 0:34 to 2:30)

Matthew 26:26–30; Luke 22:19–20

Lesson purpose: This lesson can help students understand and feel the importance of remembering the Savior as they partake of the sacrament.

  • Student preparation: Inform students that in this lesson they will be invited to assess their experiences partaking of the sacrament. Invite students to think about their most recent experience partaking of the sacrament and to come prepared to share what they were doing, thinking, or feeling that helped them remember the Savior.

  • Video:The Sacrament—a Renewal for the Soul” (10:38; watch from time code 9:25 to 9:57)

  • Video:Always Remember Him” (5:27; watch from time code 0:00 to 0:53)

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: Consider which sources you will direct students’ attention to as they prepare to study the doctrine of the sacrament. Coordinate a way for students to share their lesson outlines about the sacrament in pairs or small groups.

Doctrinal Mastery: Luke 22:19–20

Lesson purpose: This lesson will give students the opportunity to increase their mastery of the doctrine of the sacrament by memorizing the reference and key scripture phrase, explaining the doctrine, and applying principles of acquiring spiritual knowledge.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to think of what helps them to remember the Savior as they partake of the sacrament and to be prepared to use or share this experience in this lesson.

Assess Your Learning 5

Lesson purpose: This lesson is intended to help students evaluate the goals they have set and the personal growth they have experienced during their study of the New Testament.

  • Student preparation: Invite students to reflect on the last several lessons and experiences they have had as a result of those lessons.

  • Images: Images to help students recall some of the key events and teachings they have studied during the past three weeks

  • Videoconference teaching suggestion: As students share their explanations about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, consider inviting the student who most recently shared to choose another member of the class to go next. That student could then be invited to add at least one detail that was not included previously and then choose another student to share. This process could be repeated until the whole class cannot think of any more details they would want to explain.
