Seminaries and Institutes
Video Lesson 4: New Testament: New Testament Customs

“Video Lesson 4: New Testament: New Testament Customs,” New Testament Video Guide (2005), 4–5

“Video Lesson 4,” New Testament Video Guide, 4–5


New Testament

New Testament Customs


To explain the culture and customs of New Testament times.

Note: Because of the number of brief segments in this lesson, you may want to teach it in two different class periods. Or you could show each segment as you teach the scripture block to which it applies.

Before the Video

Explain to the students that the video will give them the opportunity to learn about the culture and customs of New Testament times.

Using the Video

New Testament Customs 14:32

How to Proceed

Do the following activities before each video segment:

  • Read with students the scripture reference that precedes the segment and ask the question provided.

  • Read to the class the multiple choice answers, and allow students one or two minutes to look for the correct answer by (1) reading the verse in context, (2) looking up cross-references, or (3) checking the Bible Dictionary and Topical Guide.

  • Have students choose the multiple-choice answer they think is correct.

  • Have students watch for the correct answer.

Do the following activities after each video segment:

  • Identify the correct answer (given in italics).

  • Discuss additional aspects of the custom presented in the video segment. Clarify any points students may have missed. Feel free to develop the topic further. Set up the next segment with the class.

Note: You might want to award points to students who get the right answers. You could have them work alone or in teams.

Matthew 3:12 What kind of a fan was John the Baptist referring to? (a) A fork used to throw wheat. (b) A hand fan used to cool the face. (c) A bellows used to start a fire.

Show Segment 1

(1:04) After showing the segment, give the answer to the question and discuss it, as explained above.

Matthew 23:5 What does it mean to “make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments”? (a) To gain weight so they could be seen more easily. (b) To appear more righteous than others. (c) To increase their social standing in the community.

Show Segment 2


Matthew 25:1–4 Why would a guest bring an extra vessel (container) of oil to a wedding? (a) The lamps had only five minutes worth of oil. (b) Sometimes guests had to wait a long time for the groom. (c) The guests gave half of their oil to the bride and groom as a gift.

Show Segment 3


Matthew 26:36–38 What does the word Gethsemane mean? (a) Oil press. (b) Quiet place. (c) High place.

Show Segment 4


Mark 15:25 What time of day is the third hour? (a) About 3:00 a.m. (b) About 3:00 p.m. (c) About 9:00 a.m.

Show Segment 5


Luke 4:18, 28–29 Why did the Jews try to kill Jesus when He said He was the one anointed to preach the gospel? (a) The Jews thought they could teach the gospel just as well as Jesus. (b) It meant that Jesus was the Messiah. (c) A carpenter’s son could not be anointed to preach.

Show Segment 6


Luke 10:4 What was a purse and a scrip? (a) A bag to hold money and a bag to hold food. (b) A bag to hold money and a set of scripture scrolls. (c) Supplies and written missionary lessons.

Show Segment 7


Luke 10:13 Why did the Jews wear sackcloth while they repented or mourned? (a) They didn’t want to ruin good clothes. (b) It was a symbol of their deep sorrow. (c) It was symbolic of putting their sins in a bag and removing them.

Show Segment 8


Luke 17:12–14 After a leper was healed, why did the leper have to see a priest? (a) Lepers had to repent for not being at church for so long. (b) A leper’s clothing had to be burned by the priest. (c) The priest had to perform the ritual that would allow a leper back into the community.

Show Segment 9


John 9:22 Why were the parents of the blind man so concerned about being put out of the synagogue? (a) They wanted to be with their son in his time of need. (b) They did not want to be punished for something their son did. (c) They did not want to lose their membership in the synagogue.

Show Segment 10


John 10:1 What is a sheepfold? (a) An auction yard where sheep were sold. (b) A place where sheep were kept at night. (c) An inn used by shepherds.

Show Segment 11


John 10:14–15 How did a shepherd separate his sheep from the other sheep in the fold? (a) The shepherd identified the colored rope he tied around each neck. (b) Each shepherd had a good sheep dog. (c) The shepherd would call his sheep and they would come.

Show Segment 12


John 13:23–25 During the Last Supper, why was John leaning on Jesus’ bosom (chest)? (a) It was symbolic of talking to the heart. (b) It was part of the feast of the Passover, symbolizing Abraham’s bosom. (c) John was eating next to the Savior at the feast.

Show Segment 13


Acts 13:5 Why would the Jews allow a stranger like Paul to teach in the local synagogues? (a) Paul looked Jewish. (b) The Jews thought Paul was a rabbi because he dressed like one. (c) The congregation was allowed to participate in the services.

Show Segment 14


Galatians 3:24 What was a schoolmaster? (a) A teacher. (b) A personal tutor who helped to raise a boy. (c) A supervisor of several teachers.

Show Segment 15


1 Peter 1:13 What does it mean to “gird up your loins”? (a) Tuck in the loose ends of your clothing so you can work more easily. (b) Tighten your belt. (c) Wear a leather covering around your hips.

Show Segment 16

