Seminaries and Institutes
Video Lesson 5: Matthew 9: ‘Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole’

“Video Lesson 5: Matthew 9: ‘Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole’” New Testament Video Guide (2005), 6

“Video Lesson 5,” New Testament Video Guide, 6


Matthew 9

“Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole”


To show the importance of faith in the healing of both body and spirit.

Before the Video

Scripture Insight

Have students read Matthew 9 and list the physical illnesses that Jesus cured. Ask a student to explain the meaning of the word whole as it is used in verse 12. (It means “well.”) Have the students cross-reference verse 12 with verse 22 to reinforce the idea that wholeness means health or healing. List some spiritual disorders that the Lord, as a “physician,” can cure. (Thinking evil, v. 4; sin, v. 13; ridicule and unbelief, v. 24.)

Ask the following questions:

  • Why do you suppose Matthew included his own calling as an Apostle in a scripture section devoted to healings?

  • What was Matthew’s occupation?

  • How was his rising from the tax tables similar to that of the man who arose from his bed of affliction?

Scripture Insight

Read Luke 17:11–19 with the students. Have them mark the phrase “they were cleansed,” noting the removal of the disease from the ten lepers, in verse 14. Also have them mark the phrase “thy faith hath made thee whole” in verse 19. To the leper who had expressed faith by returning and giving thanks came a spiritual healing as well. Jesus had cleansed the ten lepers, but only the Samaritan who gave thanks was pronounced physically healed and spiritually whole.


Share the following quote by President Harold B. Lee: “The greatest miracles I see today are not necessarily the healing of sick bodies, but the greatest miracles I see are the healing of sick souls, those who are sick in soul and spirit and are downhearted and distraught” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1973, 178; or Ensign, July 1973, 123).

Using the Video

“Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole” 16:42

“Look For” Activity

Encourage the students to watch for the ways the Lyman family needs to be healed, both physically and spiritually.

Show Segment 1

Segment 1 (7:56) introduces the Lyman family and some challenges they face. Peggy, the mother, is in the hospital suffering from a life-threatening disease. Paul, her husband, is overwhelmed, coping with a seriously ill wife and two teenagers. Brent and Alicia, the teenagers, are caught in the middle of the family crisis.


With the help of the class, list on the board the problems of each family member. (Peggy, the mother: poor health; Paul, the father: doubt and unbelief; Brent: feelings of inadequacy; Alicia: feeling unloved and guilty.)

Teacher Insight

Physical disorders are easily seen. Spiritual disorders are not always so noticeable. Yet we all have spiritual disorders and need to come to the Savior to be healed. Use the following scriptures to help make this point: Isaiah 53:5; Matthew 13:15; 2 Nephi 25:13; 3 Nephi 9:13.


Consider with the class what expression of faith would need to take place in the life of each member of the Lyman family for them to be healed.

Ask the following questions:

  • If the mother lives, what effect might her physical healing have on the other family members?

  • If she died, would the effect be different?

  • What would determine the difference?

Note: Often students are concerned when blessings are given and people die. Help them understand that some people are not healed of physical illness because they lack faith. Others are not healed because the Lord may have another purpose to accomplish or the individual’s mission on earth has been fulfilled. Sometimes death and other trials come simply as a part of mortal life (see Spencer W. Kimball, Tragedy or Destiny? [1977], 5–6). In many cases, accepting death is a matter of faith, because we do not know the reason.

“Look For” Activity

Suggest that students watch for the development of faith by members of the Lyman family.

Show Segment 2

Segment 2 (8:46) explores how the Lyman family’s faith is tested by their circumstances.

After the Video


Discuss the development of faith by the family members. What seems to make a difference to each member of the family?

Scripture Insight

Review the story in Mark 5 of the healing of Jairus’s daughter. Have the students look for and mark expressions of faith on the part of the father (see vv. 22–24).


Share the following quote, regarding Mark 5:23, by Elder Howard W. Hunter: “These are not only the words of faith of a father torn with grief but are also a reminder to us that whatever Jesus lays his hands upon lives. If Jesus lays his hands upon a marriage, it lives. If he is allowed to lay his hands on a family, it lives” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1979, 93; or Ensign, Nov. 1979, 65).

Discuss ways in which the students might express faith and allow the Lord to make them whole.
