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Lesson 31: Genesis 23–24

“Lesson 31: Genesis 23–24,” Old Testament Seminary Student Material (2018)

“Lesson 31: Genesis 23–24”

Lesson 31

Genesis 23–24

Prepare to Learn

Prepare your mind and heart to learn. By actively participating in seminary, you show your willingness to be taught by the Holy Ghost.

Begin your study with prayer.

What kind of shopper are you?

video iconListen carefully to President Russell M. Nelson as he teaches about the sacredness of marriage by sharing an analogy about shopping.


Important Choices

young man and young woman looking at sunset

Imagine that the young man and young woman in this picture are in love.

What are some important choices this couple will need to make if they want to build a relationship that will last?

The Best Choice

President Russell M. Nelson explained the best choice for couples who want to build lasting relationships:

Russell M. Nelson

“A couple in love can choose a marriage of the highest quality or a lesser type that will not endure. Or they can choose neither. …

“The best choice is a celestial marriage” (Russell M. Nelson, “Celestial Marriage,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2008, 92, 94).

Celestial marriage in the temple—or eternal marriage—is the best kind of marriage because in eternal marriages, righteous couples are sealed forever by the power of the priesthood and the family unit continues eternally.

As you study Genesis 23–24, look for principles that can guide you in your efforts to one day obtain the blessings of eternal marriage.

Eternal Marriage

Abraham and Sarah

Abraham and Sarah had entered into a covenant with God, and this covenant allowed them to have an eternal marriage. In Genesis 23 we learn that Sarah died and Abraham mourned for her and arranged for her body to be buried.

The Lord had promised Abraham and Sarah that their son, Isaac, would receive the blessings of the Abrahamic covenant and that all the families of the earth would be blessed through Isaac’s descendants (see Genesis 17:19, 21; 22:17–18). In order for these promises to be fulfilled, Isaac would need to enter the covenant of eternal marriage.

Read Genesis 24:1–3, looking for whom Abraham did not want Isaac to marry.

Marriage in the Covenant

Payson Utah Temple

Because the Canaanites did not believe in the Lord, no Canaanite woman would have been prepared to receive the responsibilities and blessings of the Abrahamic covenant and of eternal marriage. The decision Isaac faced concerning whether or not to marry in the covenant is like our choice today of whether or not to be married in the temple.

In Genesis 24:4, we read that Abraham gave his servant an assignment to choose a wife for Isaac. We do not know why Abraham sent his servant to find Isaac a wife, rather than sending Isaac. However, as you study this story, you will see that the Lord guided Abraham’s servant in identifying a suitable wife for Isaac.

The journey Abraham’s servant was asked to make was a distance of approximately 1,200 miles (1,931 kilometers) round trip. This journey would require a substantial amount of time, effort, and provisions.

What do Abraham’s instructions to his servant teach us about the importance of obtaining the blessings of eternal marriage?

The Effort to Obtain Eternal Blessings

One principle we can learn from Abraham’s instructions in Genesis 24:4 is that it is worth great effort and sacrifice to obtain the blessings of eternal marriage.

President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008) explained why this principle is true:

Gordon B. Hinckley

“There is no substitute for marrying in the temple. It is the only place under the heavens where marriage can be solemnized for eternity. Don’t cheat yourself. Don’t cheat your companion. Don’t shortchange your lives. Marry the right person in the right place at the right time” (Gordon B. Hinckley, “Life’s Obligations,” Ensign, Feb. 1999, 2).

writing icon1. Answer these questions:

  • Using what you have learned so far today, why do you think eternal marriage is important?

  • What have you done and what will you do to obtain these wonderful blessings?

A Prayer for Help


In Genesis 24:10–14, we learn that Abraham’s servant traveled with 10 camels. Stopping at a well outside the city of Nahor, the servant prayed that the young woman whom the Lord had chosen as Isaac’s wife would give both him and his camels water to drink. Her actions would confirm that the Lord had chosen her as Isaac’s wife.

Read Genesis 24:15–20, looking for how the servant’s prayer was answered.


Rebekah at the Well

Who was Rebekah, and what was she like?

Read Genesis 24:16–20, and look for qualities Rebekah possessed. How do you think these qualities prepared her to receive the blessings the Lord promises to faithful members of the house of Israel?

In Genesis 24:21–49, we learn that Abraham’s servant realized that the Lord had led him to the granddaughter of Abraham’s brother Nahor. Abraham’s servant was invited to eat with Rebekah’s family. He told them that Abraham had directed him to find a suitable woman among Abraham’s relatives for Isaac to marry and that the Lord had led him to Rebekah.

Read Genesis 24:50–51, looking for how Rebekah’s brother Laban and her father, Bethuel, responded to Abraham’s servant.

A Difference Resolved

young person reading scriptures

In Genesis 24:52–56, we read that Abraham’s servant gave gifts to Rebekah and her family. The next morning, the servant wanted to immediately return to his master, but Rebekah’s family wanted her to stay with them for at least 10 days.

Read Genesis 24:57–60 to find out how this difference was resolved.

Rebekah’s Example

young woman at a well

The phrase “I will go” in Genesis 24:58 exemplifies Rebekah’s courage and her faith in the Lord. The phrase “be thou the mother of thousands of millions” in verse 60 suggests that Rebekah and her family understood that she would play a pivotal role in helping to accomplish the divine promise that Abraham’s descendants would be numbered as “the stars of the heaven” and “the sand … upon the sea shore” (Genesis 22:17).

writing icon2. Answer this question:

  • How do you think Rebekah’s righteous qualities helped prepare her to enter the covenant of eternal marriage?

Our Preparation for Eternal Marriage

One of the many principles we can learn from Rebekah’s example is that if we develop righteous qualities now, we will be better prepared for eternal marriage.

To better understand how this principle relates to you, read the following statement by Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles:

David A. Bednar

“If you hope to have an eternal companion who has certain spiritual qualities, then you must strive to develop those spiritual qualities in yourself. Then someone who has those qualities will be attracted to you” (David A. Bednar, in “Understanding Heavenly Father’s Plan,” lds.org/prophets-and-apostles/unto-all-the-world/understanding-heavenly-fathers-plan).

How can you prepare, like Rebekah, for the blessings of eternal marriage?

Isaac and Rebekah’s Marriage

Rebekah wearing a veil

Imagine what feelings Rebekah may have had as she traveled the long distance to meet Isaac. While awaiting the servant’s return, Isaac may have had similar feelings.

Read Genesis 24:61–67, looking for words or phrases suggesting that Isaac and Rebekah were happy to meet and be married to one another. It may be helpful to know that when Rebekah covered herself with a veil, she was demonstrating modesty and respect for Isaac.

Faithfulness to the Lord

youth studying the scriptures

Prior to their marriage, both Isaac and Rebekah demonstrated faithfulness to the Lord (see Genesis 22:6–13; 24:57–58), and the Lord provided a way for them to receive the blessings of eternal marriage.

What principle can we learn from the example of Isaac and Rebekah as we seek the blessings of eternal marriage?

Blessings of Eternal Marriage

One principle we can learn from the example of Isaac and Rebekah is that if we are faithful to God, He will provide a way for us to receive the blessings of eternal marriage.

video iconPresident Dieter F. Uchtdorf, while serving in the First Presidency, provided the following counsel to those who may not have the opportunity to be married in this life:


President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, while serving in the First Presidency, provided the following counsel to those who may not have the opportunity to be married in this life:

Dieter F. Uchtdorf

“… I cannot tell you why one individual’s prayers are answered one way while someone else’s are answered differently. But this I can tell you: the righteous desires of your hearts will be fulfilled. …

“… The brief span of this life is nothing in comparison with eternity. And if only we can hope and exercise faith and joyfully endure to the end, … there, in that great heavenly future, we will have the fulfillment of the righteous desires of our hearts, and so very much more than we can scarcely comprehend now” (Dieter F. Uchtdorf, “The Reflection in the Water” [Church Educational System fireside for young adults, Nov. 1, 2009], lds.org/media-library).

How does this statement help you recognize Heavenly Father’s love for His children who may not have the opportunity to receive the blessings of eternal marriage in this life?

Identified Truths

youth writing in a journal

The following truths were identified in this lesson:

  • It is worth great effort and sacrifice to obtain the blessings of eternal marriage.

  • If we develop righteous qualities now, we will be better prepared for eternal marriage.

  • If we are faithful to God, He will provide a way for us to receive the blessings of eternal marriage.

Reflect on what you will do because of the truths you learned from this lesson. Then write a goal that will help you prepare for eternal marriage. Your goal might include a righteous quality you will seek to develop now.

Doctrinal Mastery Review

youth writing

The following phrase from Joshua 24:15 is mixed up. On a piece of paper, write the phrase in the correct order. Try to avoid looking at the verse in your scriptures until you have completed the whole phrase. Once you have the correct phrase, you may want to memorize it by reading the passage aloud two or more times.

whom ye will serve

but as for me and my house

Choose you this day

we will serve the Lord