Lesson 1: Introduction to the Old Testament

“Lesson 1: Introduction to the Old Testament,” Old Testament Seminary Student Material (2018)

“Lesson 1: Introduction to the Old Testament”

Lesson 1

Introduction to the Old Testament

Prepare to Learn

Prepare your mind and heart to learn. Be sure to remove any distractions that may interrupt your learning experience.

Begin your study with prayer.

video iconThink about your testimony of Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, as you watch this message by Elder Robert D. Hales (1932–2017) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. What can you do to strengthen your testimony?


Old Testament Accounts

pictures depicting Old Testament accounts

Look at these images that depict the accounts of Abraham and Isaac; Moses and the children of Israel; Jonah; and Esther, found in the Old Testament.

What do you remember about these accounts?

A Message of Christ

President Marion G. Romney (1897–1988) of the First Presidency summarized the message of the Old Testament:

President Marion G. Romney

“The message of the Old Testament is the message of Christ and his coming and his atonement” (Marion G. Romney, “The Message of the Old Testament” [Church Educational System Symposium on the Old Testament, Aug. 17, 1979], 4).

How can the accounts of Abraham, Moses, Jonah, and Esther teach of Jesus Christ, His coming, and His Atonement?

Faith in Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

As we learn to see how the Old Testament testifies of Jesus Christ, our faith in Jesus Christ will increase.

Read Mosiah 3:15 and Moses 6:63, looking for ways the Lord tried to help His people learn of Him during Old Testament times.

The Sacrifice of a Lamb


As you study the Old Testament this year, you will learn to see Jesus Christ in the prophecies, events, and symbols of the Old Testament. For example, one of the early commandments given to Adam and Eve was to sacrifice the firstborn males of their flocks of sheep as an offering to the Lord (see Moses 5:5–7; compare Exodus 12:5). They would kill the animal and then place it on an altar to be burned.

Read Moses 5:5–7, looking for what an angel taught Adam about this sacrifice.

Animal Sacrifice

priest offering sacrifice

In the book of Leviticus we learn additional details about animal sacrifices. These details were meant to teach of Jesus Christ and His Atonement.

Read Leviticus 1:2–4, looking for words or phrases about the animal to be sacrificed that also describe the Savior and His Atonement. The phrase “without blemish” means free of flaws or imperfections.

writing icon1. What words or phrases did you find? How do these words or phrases also describe Jesus Christ and His Atonement?

The Law of Moses

Nephi writing

The offerings and sacrifices explained in the book of Leviticus are part of what was known as the law of Moses.

Read 2 Nephi 11:4, looking for what Nephi said was the purpose of the law of Moses. It may help to know that the word typifying means to symbolize or represent.

Titles of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

In the scriptures we can find many titles and names that refer to Jesus Christ. These include Anointed One, Creator, and Deliverer. As you study the Old Testament you will learn to recognize additional titles and names used for Jesus Christ.

Quiz 1

Read the passages listed on the left, and match them with the title or name of Jesus Christ on the right that is found in the passage.

  1. Genesis 2:4

  2. Job 19:25

  3. Psalm 16:10

  4. Isaiah 7:14

  5. Isaiah 9:6

  6. Isaiah 49:26

  1. Immanuel

  2. LORD God

  3. Redeemer

  4. The Prince of Peace

  5. Holy One

  6. Saviour

Answers to quizzes can be found at the end of the lesson.


Jesus Christ

The title “LORD God” (Genesis 2:4) implies supreme authority. When the word LORD (all caps) is used in the Old Testament, it refers to Jehovah, who was the premortal Christ (see Guide to the Scriptures, “Jehovah,”

Many other titles and names are used for Jesus Christ. Look at the entry titled “Jesus Christ” in the Topical Guide.

Using the Topical Guide, what other titles can you find in the Old Testament that refer to Jesus Christ?

A Fallen Condition—Separated from God

Adam and Eve

Ever since Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden, Heavenly Father’s children have lived in a fallen condition and are physically and spiritually separated from God.

How does Heavenly Father let us know that we are not forgotten?

How does Heavenly Father help us find our way back to Him?


Noah preaching

One of the ways that Heavenly Father helps us return to Him is by calling prophets. God calls prophets to preach the gospel and administer His covenants and ordinances.

Quiz 2

What are covenants and ordinances? Use the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document, the Bible Dictionary, or the Guide to the Scriptures to match each of these terms with the correct definition.

  1. Covenant

  2. Ordinance

  1. A sacred act that is performed by the authority of the priesthood and that is designed by God to teach spiritual truths, often through symbolism.

  2. A sacred agreement between God and man wherein God gives the conditions for the covenant and we agree to do what He asks us to do.

Covenants and Ordinances

President Henry B. Eyring of the First Presidency explained one purpose of covenants and ordinances:

Henry B. Eyring

“Heavenly Father has always helped his children by offering them covenants and empowering his servants to offer ordinances. …

“… Every covenant with God is an opportunity to draw closer to him” (Henry B. Eyring, “Making Covenants with God” [Brigham Young University fireside, Sept. 8, 1996], 2, 3,

writing icon 2. Think about your baptism, the opportunity you have to partake of the sacrament each Sabbath day, and opportunities you may have to perform ordinances in the temple, such as baptisms for the dead. Then write a few sentences to answer this question: How do covenants and ordinances help us overcome our separation from God?



Making and keeping eternal covenants is essential in order for us to draw closer to our Father in Heaven in this life and eventually return to live with Him in the life to come. The prophet Abraham entered into a covenant with God that would help him “walk before [God]” and become perfect (Genesis 17:1–2).

Read Doctrine and Covenants 132:29, looking for how Abraham was blessed because he kept his covenants.

God’s Covenant People


When people in Old Testament times kept their covenants with God, they were blessed and preserved.

Read Deuteronomy 29:25–28, looking for what would happen to God’s covenant people if they chose to break their covenants.

The Lord’s Promise

young person reading scriptures

From Deuteronomy 29:25–28 we can learn that God’s covenant people were scattered because they broke their covenants with Him.

Read Ezekiel 36:24–28, looking for what the Lord promised to do for His scattered people as they repented and turned to Him.

What truth can we learn from these verses about what God promises to do for His covenant people?

The Gathering of God’s People

congregation of Saints

From Ezekiel 36:24–28 we can learn that God has promised to gather His covenant people when they keep His commandments. The term gather refers not only to a physical gathering of God’s people but also to the spiritual condition of being gathered to the Lord. We gather to Him as we exercise faith in Jesus Christ, repent of our sins, receive the saving covenants and ordinances, and worship the Lord at church, in temples, at home, and in our daily lives.

video iconWatch this video of a young man named Junior. What did he do to help gather others to the Lord?


writing icon 3. When have you (or someone you know) been able to help someone else gather to the Lord? What feelings did you (or the person you know) experience while helping another person gather to the Lord?

Daily Scripture Study

young person studying scriptures

Remember that as part of your participation in seminary, you will need to read the portions of the Old Testament that have been selected for the seminary course of study. You are also encouraged to study the scriptures daily. Before you begin your study of the Old Testament, read Moses 1, which is a revelation the Prophet Joseph Smith received prior to beginning his translation of the book of Genesis (see Bible Dictionary, “Joseph Smith Translation”).

Begin a scripture study journal, either on paper or in your Notes on, where you can write your thoughts and impressions as you learn. Elder Richard G. Scott (1928–2015) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught, “Knowledge carefully recorded is knowledge available in time of need. Spiritually sensitive information should be kept in a sacred place that communicates to the Lord how you treasure it. That practice enhances the likelihood of your receiving further light” (“Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge,” Ensign, Nov. 1993, 88).

Truths from the Old Testament

happy young person

The following truths were identified in this lesson:

  • As we learn to see how the Old Testament testifies of Jesus Christ, our faith in Him will increase.

  • God calls prophets to preach the gospel and administer His covenants and ordinances.

  • God’s covenant people were scattered because they broke their covenants with Him.

  • God has promised to gather His covenant people when they keep His commandments.

As you study the Old Testament, you will learn more about your Savior Jesus Christ, the role of prophets, the importance of ordinances and covenants, and the Lord’s efforts to gather and bless His children.

Answer Key

Quiz 1: 1-b, 2-c, 3-e, 4-a, 5-d, 6-f

Quiz 2: 1-b, 2-a