Lesson 149: Daniel 6–12

“Lesson 149: Daniel 6–12,” Old Testament Seminary Student Material (2018)

“Lesson 149: Daniel 6–12”

Lesson 149

Daniel 6–12

Prepare to Learn

Prepare your mind and heart to learn. Music, especially the hymns of the Church, can invite the influence of the Holy Ghost. To help you feel reverent, consider listening to a hymn before you begin your study.

Begin your study with prayer.

Sometimes we find ourselves in uncomfortable circumstances that require us to stand up, stand out, and testify of truth.

Listen to Sister Ann M. Dibb, who served in the Young Women General Presidency, as she shares her testimony that Heavenly Father will be with you as you faithfully stand for what is right. You can read the text for this video here: “Be of a Good Courage,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2010, 116.

A Frightening Experience

As members of the Church, we sometimes face opposition because of our beliefs. President Joseph F. Smith (1838–1918) was faced with frightening opposition. What did he do on this occasion to show his faithfulness to the Lord?

As members of the Church, we sometimes face opposition because of our beliefs. President Joseph F. Smith (1838–1918) was faced with frightening opposition. What did he do on this occasion to show his faithfulness to the Lord?

At age 19, Joseph F. Smith returned home from his first mission and joined a wagon train. One day, a group of “drunken men rode into the camp on horseback, cursing and swearing and threatening to kill any ‘Mormons’ that came within their path.” Joseph’s “first thought was to do what the other brethren had done, and seek shelter in the trees and in flight. Then the thought came to him, ‘Why should I run from these fellows?’ With that thought in mind he boldly marched up … to the campfire.” One of the drunk men, holding a pistol and pointing at Joseph, “demanded in a loud, angry voice, ‘Are you a “Mormon”?’

“Without a moment of hesitation and looking the ruffian in the eye, Joseph F. Smith boldly answered, ‘Yes, siree; dyed in the wool; true blue, through and through.’”

Joseph’s response “completely disarmed the belligerent man, and in his bewilderment, he grasped [Joseph] by the hand and said:

“‘Well, you are the [blankety-blank] pleasantest man I ever met! Shake [hands], young fellow, I am glad to see a man that stands up for his convictions’” (Life of Joseph F. Smith, comp. Joseph Fielding Smith [1938], 187–89).

1. What are some situations today in which it might be difficult to show our faithfulness to the Lord?

King Darius

youth reading scriptures

As you study Daniel 6, look for principles that can help you choose to be faithful to the Lord in any situation.

You may recall that Babylon had been conquered by the Medes and the Persians, and Darius the Mede was made king over Babylon (see Daniel 5:28, 30–31).

Read Daniel 6:1–3, looking for how Darius organized the government of his kingdom.



King Darius appointed three presidents and 120 princes to oversee his kingdom. The princes reported to the three presidents. Daniel was one of the three presidents and “was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him” (Daniel 6:3). The “excellent spirit” mentioned in this verse refers to the Spirit of God (see Daniel 6:3, footnote a).

Read Daniel 6:4–5, looking for what the other presidents and princes sought to do to Daniel.

A Dilemma for Daniel

youth reading the scriptures

According to Daniel 6:4, the other leaders “sought to find occasion against Daniel concerning the kingdom,” which means they tried to find something he was doing wrong in performing his duties. Because of Daniel’s faithfulness, they were unsuccessful in finding fault with him concerning his duties. They then decided to find fault with Daniel’s commitment to obeying God (see Daniel 6:5).

Read Daniel 6:6–10, looking for what these other leaders did to create a dilemma for Daniel. In this context, a “petition” (verse 7) is a prayer or earnest request.

Quiz 1

  1. What decree did the other leaders convince Darius to establish? (See Daniel 6:7.)

    1. A decree that granted freedom to worship any god or man, including King Darius

    2. A decree that allowed only petitions that had been approved by the presidents and governors

    3. A decree that forbade petitions or supplications to anyone, God or man, other than King Darius

  2. Which of the following statements are true? Please select all that apply.

    1. All of the leaders, including Daniel, consulted together to establish the decree that was presented to King Darius.

    2. Darius was led to believe that Daniel supported the decree.

    3. Daniel did not know about the decree when the other leaders presented it to Darius.

    4. All of the leaders presented the decree, with Daniel’s support, to Darius.

  3. According to Daniel 6:10, how did Daniel respond to this decree?

    1. Daniel ran and hid.

    2. Daniel prayed while his windows were open, as he had done in the past.

    3. Daniel chose to pray in his closet so that nobody could see him.

King Darius’s Response

youth marking scriptures

We read in Daniel 6:11–13 that the other leaders “found Daniel praying” (verse 11) and told Darius. Darius “was sore displeased with himself” (verse 14) when he heard this, because he then realized that this had been a trap to catch Daniel.

Read Daniel 6:14–17, looking for King Darius’s response.

Daniel in the Lions’ Den

Daniel in the Lions’ Den

According to King Darius’s decree, the penalty for making petitions was that those found guilty would be thrown into a den of lions. Darius wanted to release Daniel from this punishment (see Daniel 6:14), but he was unable to because of the law.

Before casting Daniel into the lions’ den, Darius said to him, “Thy God whom thou servest continually, he will deliver thee” (Daniel 6:16). What does this statement tell you about how Daniel had influenced Darius?

Read Daniel 6:18–23, looking for what happened to Daniel.

What principle do you learn from Daniel’s example?

Dens of Lions


From Daniel’s example we can identify the following principle: If we are continually faithful to the Lord, He will help us through challenges we may experience. Consider writing this principle in your scriptures.

We might not be threatened with death for being faithful to the Lord, but we may be threatened with other challenges because of our faithfulness. These challenges may be compared to “dens of lions.”

2. Choose one of the following faithful actions, and answer the questions that follow:

  1. Standing by your beliefs that marriage between a man and woman is ordained of God

  2. Refusing to gossip

  3. Choosing to not participate with peers who are viewing pornography

  4. Turning down an invitation to a party where drugs and alcohol will be available

  5. Being kind to someone who is treated rudely

    • What possible “dens of lions,” or challenges, might you be threatened with for choosing this action?

    • Why would you choose to be faithful to the Lord even though you knew you might experience some of these challenges as a result?

    • When has the Lord helped you or someone you know endure or overcome a challenge that came as a result of being faithful to Him? What did you learn about the Lord because of this experience? Be sure to not share anything too personal or sacred.

The Choice to Remain Faithful

youth pondering

Take some time to think about situations in your life where you might face challenges for being faithful to the Lord.

A plan of action may be a powerful tool to use when you are faced with challenges. What specific ways can you think of to be prepared to remain faithful when faced with challenges in your life?

You may want to write your response in your personal journal or in your Notes on

A New Decree

youth reading scriptures

We read in Daniel 6:24 that those who accused Daniel and tricked Darius were thrown into the lions’ den with their families.

Read Daniel 6:25–28, looking for the new decree that Darius made.

What principle do you identify from these verses about what can happen if you are not afraid to show your obedience to the Lord?

An Example of Obedience

happy youth holding scriptures

One principle we can identify in Daniel 6:25–28 is that if we are not afraid to show our obedience to the Lord, we can help others believe in Him. You may want to record this principle in your scriptures.

When has your belief in the Lord, or the belief of someone you know, been strengthened because of another person’s example of obedience to Him?

Daniel’s Vision

youth reading scriptures

Daniel 7 records that Daniel saw a vision depicting different political kingdoms and the evil that would be on the earth from his time through the last days. He also saw a sacred event associated with the Savior’s Second Coming.

Read Daniel 7:9, looking for what Daniel saw would happen to the “thrones,” or worldly governments, and for who Daniel saw that would come to sit in judgment.

“Ancient of Days”

Adam and Eve

You may have noticed in Daniel 7:9 that Daniel referred to someone called the “Ancient of days.”

Joseph Smith (1805–44) revealed that the “Ancient of days” is Adam (see D&C 27:11; Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith [2007], 104).

Daniel also saw a heavenly council, to be held at Adam-ondi Ahman, Missouri, USA, in which priesthood holders from all the dispensations will account for their stewardships to Adam (see Daniel 7:10–14; D&C 116:1). Adam will then report to Jesus Christ, whose people will recognize Him as their King. (See Joseph Fielding Smith, The Way to Perfection [1970], 289–91.)

Read Daniel 7:18, 27, looking for who will reign with the Savior in His kingdom on earth after His Second Coming.

The Savior’s Reign after the Second Coming

Second Coming

One truth we can learn from Daniel 7:18, 27 is that after the Second Coming, the Savior will reign on earth with His Saints. You may want to write this truth in your scriptures.

In these verses the title “saints” means “holy ones” and refers to members of the Church who have faithfully kept the commandments. After the Savior’s glorious return and His millennial reign, the kingdom “shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High” (verse 27), and this earth in its celestial state (when it has been perfected) will be their home forever.

In Daniel 8–12, we read that Daniel had a vision of various nations that would conquer the land where he lived, including the Medes, Persians, and Greeks. He was visited by the angel Gabriel, who interpreted his dreams and told him of the time of the coming of the Messiah. Daniel saw the Lord in vision. He also saw and described various conflicts and wars that will precede the Lord’s Second Coming. He proclaimed that the wise will understand the meanings of his visions.

How can understanding that Jesus Christ will reign on the earth with His Saints influence your decision to be faithful to Him?

Continual Faithfulness to the Lord

youth writing

3. Complete the following:

  • From what you have learned in your study of Daniel 6–7, write a description of what it means to be continually faithful to the Lord.

  • Identify the truths you learned today that are relevant to your current needs and concerns, and explain how they can help you in your life.

Answer Key

Quiz 1: (1) c; (2) b, c; (3) b
