Lesson 17: The Godhead

“Lesson 17: The Godhead,” Old Testament Seminary Student Material (2018)

“Lesson 17: The Godhead”

Lesson 17

The Godhead

Prepare to Learn

Prepare your mind and heart to learn. The Holy Ghost can teach and edify you as you approach your study prayerfully and with a desire to learn.

Please begin your study with prayer.

Watch the video “Godhead—He Knows Me” (3:01), in which two siblings from Ghana explain what they are doing to come closer to Heavenly Father. Listen carefully for the blessings that come from knowing your Father in Heaven.

What can you do to improve your relationship with God?

Doctrinal Mastery Core Document

Doctrinal Mastery Core Document

The Doctrinal Mastery Core Document is used extensively in doctrinal mastery lessons. Become familiar with this document and the key statements of doctrine and doctrinal mastery scripture passages it contains. Please mark and annotate your copy of the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document.

The Godhead

Joseph Smith sees Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in the Sacred Grove

Today’s lesson will guide you through a study of paragraphs 1.1–1.7 of doctrinal topic 1, “The Godhead.” This lesson will help you develop a deeper understanding of this important doctrinal topic.

Please turn to doctrinal topic 1, “The Godhead,” in the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document. Read paragraph 1.1, looking for distinguishable characteristics about each member of the Godhead.

Although God the Father; His Son, Jesus Christ; and the Holy Ghost are separate personages, how are They also one?

God the Father

student pondering while reading scriptures

What do you know about Heavenly Father? Read paragraph 1.2 of the section titled “The Godhead” in the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document, looking for some of His attributes.

Which attributes of God the Father are most interesting to you?

The Father of Your Spirit

Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ

As we read paragraph 1.2 of “The Godhead” in the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document, we learn that God is the Father of our spirits. We also learn that He loves each of us and wants us to have immortality and eternal life.

Please answer one or both of the following questions:

  • How does knowing that God loves you and is the Father of your spirit influence the way you see yourself?

  • When have you felt God’s love in your life? What did that experience teach you about Heavenly Father, and how did it strengthen your love for Him?

Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ

Christ and the Rich Young Ruler, by Heinrich Hofmann; courtesy C. Harrison Conroy Co., Inc.

By learning about Jesus Christ, your testimony of Him can increase. Read paragraphs 1.3–1.5 of the section titled “The Godhead” in the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document, looking for what is important to know about Jesus Christ.

1. Answer one of the following questions:

  • How does knowing that Jesus Christ created the heavens and the earth influence how you feel about Him and His creations?

  • How have the teachings and the Atonement of Jesus Christ blessed your life?

  • How does it make you feel to know that Jesus Christ will return to the earth in power and glory and will reign on the earth during the Millennium?

The Holy Ghost

youth receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost

The third member of the Godhead is the Holy Ghost. One way in which the Holy Ghost is different from the other members of the Godhead is that He does not have a body of flesh and bone. Read paragraphs 1.6–1.7 of the section titled “The Godhead” in the Doctrinal Mastery Core Document, looking for the different names of the Holy Ghost and the many ways He can bless us.

2. Answer one or both of the following questions:

  • What stands out to you about what the Holy Ghost can do for us?

  • How have you experienced the blessings of the Spirit in your life?

Your Part—Seek Understanding

students talking to a teacher

You have completed your study of paragraphs 1.1–1.7 of doctrinal topic 1, “The Godhead.” If you have questions, please ask your teacher. You can also seek further understanding through the scriptures and the many other divinely appointed sources God has provided (see paragraphs 11–12 of the “Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge” section).

Doctrinal Mastery Review: Isaiah 5:20

teenager writing on a piece of paper

Isaiah 5:20 is a doctrinal mastery passage. Consider marking it in your scriptures in a distinctive way, if you have not already done so. This will help you locate it easily. Read Isaiah 5:20 several times to become familiar with this passage.

Once you are familiar with this doctrinal mastery passage, put your scriptures aside. Review the passage below, which is only partially complete. On a separate piece of paper, try to complete the rest of the passage.

Woe unto that call good, and good ; that put darkness for , and for darkness; that put for , and for !

Check your answers by comparing them with Isaiah 5:20. To help you continue memorizing this verse, put your scriptures aside again and flip over your piece of paper. Try writing down the scripture by looking at only the first letter of each word:

W u t t c e g, a g e; t p d f l, a l f d; t p b f s, a s f b!
