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Lesson 151: Joel

“Lesson 151: Joel,” Old Testament Seminary Student Material (2018)

“Lesson 151: Joel”

Lesson 151


Prepare to Learn

Prepare your mind and heart to learn. As you prayerfully study the scriptures, you can learn through the Spirit and receive personal revelation that meets your needs and circumstances.

Begin your study with prayer.

What are you currently doing to prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ?

video icon President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency asks a series of questions to help us consider our personal preparation for the Second Coming of the Lord. How would you answer the questions he asks?


A Fearful Moment

Read the following experience of Sister Patricia T. Holland, wife of Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and former First Counselor in the Young Women General Presidency:

Patricia T. Holland

“Recently we experienced the worst windstorm Bountiful [in Utah] has seen in several decades. … Just as I was hearing news reports of semi trucks—twenty of them—being blown over on the roadside, I looked out my lovely back window down toward our creek and saw one of our large trees go down with a crash. …

“For a moment, I confess, I was truly fearful. It was very early in the morning, and Jeff was just leaving for the office. I said to him, ‘Do you think this is the end? Is it all over—or about to be?’” (Patricia T. Holland, A Quiet Heart [2000], 129).

Sister Holland wondered if the terrible storm was a sign that the end of the world and the Lord’s Second Coming were near.

writing icon 1. How do you feel about the signs and events that will accompany the Second Coming?

Optimism about the Second Coming

Sister Holland continued:

Patricia T. Holland

“My husband, who has deep faith and endless optimism, took me in his arms and said, ‘No, but wouldn’t it be wonderful if it were? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Christ really did come and his children really were ready for him? Wouldn’t it be terrific if evil was finally conquered, once and for all, and the Savior of the world came down in the midst of the New Jerusalem to wipe away every tear from every eye? Yes,’ my husband said, ‘in lots of ways I wish it were the end, but it’s not. It is just a stiff windstorm in Bountiful. We have got more work to do’” (Patricia T. Holland, A Quiet Heart, 129–30).

Why do you think Elder Holland responded in such an optimistic way about the Second Coming?

In this lesson, you will study the prophecies of the prophet Joel. He prophesied of the time preceding the Second Coming, which will be filled with natural disasters and wars. Although some events associated with the Second Coming may cause people to feel afraid, Joel’s prophecies contain principles that can help us prepare for those events. As you study Joel 1–3, look for principles that can help you look forward to the Second Coming of the Savior with joy and confidence.

A Plague of Locusts


Joel began his record by recounting the devastation brought on by a plague of locusts (see Joel 1:1–13). One interpretation of this passage is that it symbolizes the destruction that would come from invading armies if the people did not repent (see Joel 1:4, footnote a).

Read Joel 1:14–15, looking for what Joel counseled the people to do. The phrase “day of the Lord” (verse 15) refers to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the events preceding it.

Where did Joel counsel the people to gather for protection?

Protection from Spiritual Danger

From Joel 1:14–15 we can learn that if we gather into the temple, we can receive protection from spiritual danger. In some situations it can be difficult to attend the temple regularly. However, we can receive this spiritual protection in a variety of ways even if we do not live close to a temple, such as by living worthy to enter the temple.

video icon Listen to these statements from several members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and the First Presidency. What is another way you can receive spiritual protection from the temple even if you do not live near one?


Elder Richard G. Scott (1928–2015) of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained another way we can receive this protection:

Richard G. Scott

“Do you young people want a sure way to eliminate the influence of the adversary in your life? Immerse yourself in searching for your ancestors, prepare their names for the sacred vicarious ordinances available in the temple, and then go to the temple to stand as proxy for them to receive the ordinances of baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost. As you grow older, you will be able to participate in receiving the other ordinances as well. I can think of no greater protection from the influence of the adversary in your life” (Richard G. Scott, “The Joy of Redeeming the Dead,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2012, 94).

writing icon 2. Answer the following questions:

  • How have you felt blessed and protected from spiritual danger as you have participated in family history and temple service? If you can’t think of an experience, ask a family member or Church leader this question, and then share what that person says.

  • What will you do to participate more in family history and temple service?

The Day of the Lord

Second Coming

As already mentioned, the phrase “day of the Lord” refers to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the events preceding it. Joel explained that the day of the Lord would be “a day of darkness and of gloominess” (Joel 2:2). This would be the case for all those who do not turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel. As recorded in Joel 2:3–10, Joel described the war and destruction that will occur and the gloom that some people will experience before the Savior’s Second Coming.

Read Joel 2:11, looking for additional words that describe the day of the Lord.

Quiz 1

  1. What words did Joel use in verse 11 to describe the Second Coming? Select all that are correct.

    1. Magnificent

    2. Great

    3. Unbearable

    4. Terrible

  2. Which question did Joel ask about the Second Coming?

    1. “Who can abide it?”

    2. “When shall it be?”

    3. “Wilt thou hasten thy coming?”

The Lord’s Plea

youth praying

Joel 2:12–16 contains truths that can help answer Joel’s question.

Read Joel 2:12, looking for what the Lord pleaded with the people to do.

A Symbol of Grief

torn coat

People in Old Testament times often rent, or tore, their clothing as a symbol of their grief and sorrow.

Read Joel 2:13–14, looking for what the Lord taught the people to “rend” instead of their clothes. Look also at the Joseph Smith Translation of Joel 2:13 (in Joel 2:13, footnote b) and the Joseph Smith Translation of Joel 2:14 (in Joel 2:14, footnote a).

What could these actions described in verse 13 suggest the Lord wants us to do?

If we follow the Lord’s invitation in verse 13, how will He respond?

Sincere Repentance

youth praying

The Lord, through the prophet Joel, asked the people to rend their hearts instead of their clothing. In doing so He was directing them to not just express sorrow outwardly but to sincerely experience remorse for what they had done and to desire to repent. From Joel 2:13–14 we can learn that as we turn to the Lord with all our hearts by sincerely repenting, He will show mercy and kindness to us. Think about how knowing that the Lord is merciful and kind to those who repent can influence your desire to repent.

What are some actions that can demonstrate that our repentance is sincere?

Personal Effort

youth pondering

What are some ways in which you need to repent?

Do all that you can to sincerely repent so that you can enjoy the Lord’s mercy and kindness. This will also prepare you for the Lord’s Second Coming, when He will gather the righteous to Him. If necessary, speak with your bishop or branch president. He can help you repent and receive the peace and joy that comes from the Lord.

The Last Days

youth reading scriptures

Joel described some of the blessings that the righteous will enjoy while preparing for the day of the Lord (see Joel 2:15–32).

Read Joel 2:28–29, looking for the kindness the Lord will show in the latter days.

What did Joel prophesy the Lord will do in the latter days?

The Spirit of the Lord

From Joel 2:28–29 we can learn that in the latter days the Lord will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh. President Joseph Fielding Smith (1876–1972) explained the following about this prophecy:

Joseph Fielding Smith

“Now, my brethren and sisters, I am not going to confine this prophecy to the members of the Church. The Lord said he would pour out his Spirit upon all flesh. … [This means that] the Lord would pour out his blessings and his Spirit upon all people and use them to accomplish his purposes [D&C 88:6–13]” (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, comp. Bruce R. McConkie [1954], 1:176).

writing icon 3. Consider your responses to each of these questions, and then answer at least one:

  • What evidence have you seen that the Lord is “pour[ing] out [His] spirit upon all flesh” (Joel 2:28)?

  • Think of a time when you have felt the Lord pour out His Spirit upon you. What did you do that prepared you to have this experience? What can you do to continue to have these kinds of experiences?

Signs of the Second Coming


Signs and wonders will precede and accompany the day of the Lord. Some of these signs may cause some people to feel afraid or concerned. Joel prophesied of the battle of Armageddon, which will occur just before the Second Coming. In this battle all the nations of the earth will fight against the Lord’s people, but the Lord’s people will ultimately triumph (see Joel 3).

Read Joel 2:30–32, looking for some of the signs that will occur before the Second Coming.

What did Joel teach that can help us when we feel afraid or concerned about signs and events that will occur before the Second Coming?

According to verse 32, what can Heavenly Father do for those who “call on [His] name”? You may also want to read Doctrine and Covenants 97:22, 25 to see what the Lord promises the faithful. Consider writing this scripture reference near Joel 2:32.

Your Preparation

youth pondering

Evaluate your own preparation for the Second Coming by thinking about how you would respond to the following questions:

  • Am I currently living worthy to enter the temple?

  • Have I sincerely repented of past sins?

  • Do I regularly seek forgiveness as I say my prayers and prepare during the week to take the sacrament on Sunday?

  • Do I seek to have the Lord’s Spirit in my life?

As you evaluate your preparation using these questions, decide what changes you may need to make. Follow any promptings or impressions you may receive from the Holy Ghost so that you can better prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Answer Key

Quiz 1: (1) b, d; (2) a