Scripture Stories

“Hannah,” Old Testament Stories (2022)

“Hannah,” Old Testament Stories

1 Samuel 1–2


The Lord’s answer to a faithful woman

crying Hannah praying at the temple

Every year, Hannah and her husband traveled to the house of the Lord, the temple. Hannah had no children, so she felt very sad. She fasted and prayed for a baby boy. Hannah promised the Lord that if she had a son, her son would grow up to serve Him.

1 Samuel 1:1–11

Eli talking to Hannah

A priest named Eli saw Hannah crying. He told her that the Lord would answer her prayer. Hannah trusted the Lord and had hope.

1 Samuel 1:12, 17–18

Hannah with husband and baby Samuel

That year, Hannah had a baby boy. She named him Samuel.

1 Samuel 1:20–23

Hannah bringing Samuel to Eli at the temple

Hannah kept her promise to the Lord. When Samuel was old enough, she took him to serve in the house of the Lord. He served with Eli, the priest. Hannah continued to visit Samuel. She brought him clothes that she made for him. The Lord blessed Hannah with five more children.

1 Samuel 1:24–28; 2:21
