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Jesu mange navn

Historier fra Skriftene

Jesu mange navn

Mary and Joseph looking at the baby Jesus lying in a manger with barn animals around them.

Mange profeter underviste om Jesus Kristus. De sa at han ville bli født for å vise oss hvordan vi skulle leve. De brukte mange navn for å undervise om ham.

Jesus, as a boy, is learning about carpentry from Joseph.

Noen steder i Skriftene kalles Jesus Immanuel. Dette navnet betyr “med oss er Gud”.

Illustration depicting Jesus Christ sitting beside the daughter of Jairus and holding her hand as he heals her while her parents watch in faith.
This image is 6 6 spot illustrations from the life of Jesus Christ. 1. Baby Jesus with Mary and Joseph. 2. Jesus as a child learning to become a carpenter. 3. Jesus raising Jarius' daughter from the dead. 4. Jesus praying in Gethsemane. 5. Jesus hanging on the cross. 6. Jesus walking out of the garden tomb.

Et annet navn Jesus har, er Fredsfyrsten. Når vi er redde eller opprørte, kan han hjelpe oss å føle fred gjennom Den hellige ånd.

Jesus Christ praying in the garden of Gethsemane.

Jesus kalles også Messias. Messias betyr “den salvede”. Jesus døde for oss slik at vi kan bo hos Gud igjen.

Jesus asked Heavenly Father to forgive the men who crucified Him because they didn’t know they were hurting the Son  of God.

Jesus er vår Frelser. Han frelser oss fra våre synder og vår død.

A boy and girl visit with their Grandfather inside a nursing home. The older man is sitting in a wheelchair and is reading the scriptures to his grandchildren.

Jeg elsker Jesus Kristus. Jeg kan lære om hans liv og kjærlighet i Skriftene.

Page from the December 2022 Friend Magazine.

Illustrasjoner: Apryl Stott