“Ideas for Growing in All Areas of Life,” Personal Development: Children’s Guidebook (2019)
“Ideas for Growing in All Areas of Life,” Personal Development: Children’s Guidebook
Ideas for Growing in All Areas of Life
The following pages have ideas for how you can follow the Savior and grow in all areas of your life. You do not have to use these—the best ideas may be your own! Pray about what you can work on right now.
You can find more ideas at ChildrenandYouth.ChurchofJesusChrist.org .
Ideas for Spiritual Growth
Create a Note
Make a habit of reading every day, even if it is just a few verses.
Learn and live “My Gospel Standards” (page 63), and invite others to do the same.
Memorize the Articles of Faith (page 62), and learn what they mean.
Before you pray, think about what you are grateful for and what you need help with.
Write down three things you are thankful for. Try to write three new things each day.
Decide what you can start doing or stop doing to make the Sabbath a special day.
Look for ways to help someone in your family, at school, or at church.
Write a letter to a grandparent, aunt, or uncle. Ask them to tell you a story about when they were your age.
Talk to a friend about the gospel. Invite your friend to church or to an activity.
Teach your favorite scripture story to your family. Act it out or draw pictures to help you teach.
Sing with a family member. Notice how listening to good music makes you feel.
Create a Note
Read “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” and talk to your parents about what you learned.
Do something nice for people in your family.
Find ways to spend time with or serve someone who might feel left out or who might need your friendship.
Read about other cultures, talk to people from other countries, or go to a cultural celebration near you.
With your parents or leaders, do something in your community to help people in need.
Act out situations where someone needs to apologize or forgive. Practice how to share your feelings and respond.
Visit a police station, fire station, or other community service. Learn about what they do, and thank them for their service.
Introduce yourself to someone new, and invite the person to play with you.
Practice using only words that would make someone happy, not sad. Talk about what you can say if someone says unkind words to you.
Practice calming down when you feel angry. For example, take deep breaths, count to 10, or imagine you are in a favorite place.
Introduce yourself to someone new in your school, neighborhood, or ward or branch. Help this person meet other people.
Ideas for Physical Growth
Create a Note
Help to prepare a healthy meal or snack. Share it with your family or friends.
Do something regularly to move your body, like sports, dance, exercise, or playing outside.
Keep your body clean every day. Bathe regularly. Brush your teeth and care for your hair each day.
Do something to help make your home a nice place to live, such as cleaning, decorating, or yard work.
Ask your parents to teach you how to repair or take care of the things you use.
Draw, paint, or sketch a picture, and give it to someone you love.
Learn how to sing a song, play an instrument, or conduct music. Offer to share your skill in home evening or another activity.
Read Doctrine and Covenants 89 to see what Heavenly Father promises if you keep the Word of Wisdom. Decide how you can better live it.
Go on a walk or hike with family or friends to explore the world around you.
Share one of your talents with someone who is lonely.
Make a plan with your parents or leaders for what to do in an emergency.
Ideas for Intellectual Growth
Create a Note
Learn why it is important to pay tithing. Give ten percent of your income to the Lord.
Read a book about a new subject, or read a book that is longer than you normally read.
Make a list of your family’s rules for using the internet or apps.
Choose something you’re interested in, and learn everything you can about it.
Visit a museum or cultural event in your area. Talk to your friends or family about something new you learned.
Visit someone you know at their work to learn what they do and how things work.
This could be a person you know or someone from history or the scriptures. Decide how you can be more like them.
All choices have consequences, which are things that happen as a result of what you do. Make a list of some choices and their consequences.
Memorize a favorite scripture, poem, or song.
Learn to say hello and other basic words in another language. Practice with someone who speaks that language, if possible.
Write a story about your life or about a family member.