Chapter 3 //Jesus Christ ^His gospel\\ (nod) study-it, teach-it.

“Chapter 3: Jesus Christ His gospel study teach,” /Book title:\\ (nod) Preach My Gospel, guide teach how share Jesus Christ ^His gospel (2023)

//Jesus Christ ^His gospel\\ (nod) study-it, teach-it.

Picture name what? Christ his Baptism Artist who? JOSEPH BRICKEY

Chapter 3

//Jesus Christ ^His gospel\\ (nod) study-it, teach-it.

Now chapter lesson include ^what^ important teaching, list pull-out apply, commandment+ CL:5-list include Jesus Christ his gospel Living prophet+ apostle group so-far CL:1-expand explain now Lesson CL:5-list you-all do-do / CL:5-list learn teach That include now chapter / so other people they don’t-know Christ his teaching ^you can help understand clear can

Now chapter CL:5-list first what invite ask accept baptism that CL:5-list Rest-of- CL:5-list ^what^ four lesson CL:5-list-each

  • //Jesus Christ ^His gospel itself\\ finish again+establish, //that\\ (nod)message relate-to-it, (nod)inform-all.

  • #HF+^His Salvation plan

  • //Jesus Christ ^His\\ gospel.

  • //Jesus Christ ^His disciple+group, that\\ (nod)we-all become disciple involve-group, (nod; puff)continue life+from-now-on.

CL;2-list you do-do / Each lesson CL:5-list scripture there go-ahead study, teaching CL:5-list go-ahead analyze deep ^that CL:2-list happen You do during study ^ Truth CL:5-list , Spirit will witness support Person meet conversation, happen help receive truth witness support / I say what do-do wondering , ^spirit will help-me^ (See Doctrine and Covenants 84:85.)

He invite do CL:5-list ^happen people they follow^ nod they will i-see full understand him^ Savior Each lesson ^if happen you invite ask accept baptism^, people they yes accept baptism that meaning they follow commitment CL:5-list, that point you help-them encourage follow Happen people they accept follow commitments CL:5-list, they begin process live follow Jesus Christ his gospel / *nod prepare do-do God two-of-us set covenants

Have lesson before baptism / lesson after baptism / you missionary responsible teach lesson ALL CL:5-list(both hands) Both point lesson lesson / missionary responsible ^do-do^ lead take-over teach lesson Ward missionary or other members can participate info relate member involve-in teaching point-expand where? Look (hand-right)

Teach, you prepare

You prepare teach, same-time look Preach My Gospel app, review information each person you teach Lesson plan you make depend person their need++ Twiddlethink happen you go visit teach, what should person they learn, feel? You take time prepare, make plan, Tru-biz you try-try Spirit expand will

Happen you, your companion prepare ready teach, have question cl(list) sprinkle out include pray^ask God do-do ready teach?

  • What invite action follow, you possible suggest ask, will help That person point faith Him Christ increase, progress how? Invite action follow, that tru-biz how you help people they repent, experience “Atone-person His Power” Twiddlethink that person… notice their learn include-me progress, situation, need++ figure out Twiddlethink, your turn, lesson plan, need++ how match? Now add 1 shrug 2 invite-you within

  • Person point, Doctrine also principle-extract, cl(group-together) We cl:2h-give what, we finish invite-them action follow, cl:give-them help them commitment straight? You twiddlethink decide doctrine, principle-extract what important include help person point, oic understand why commitment straight that tru-biz important for 1-point and Lord

  • That person point learn doctrine, two-us help how? Yourself prepare teach doctrine do-do? grab-move-around, summarize you teach extract lessons You prepare teach person, Search find (2h-alt)ask-them, scripture-extract sprinkle, yourself experience example++, good-fit (fs)media help-them learn will You want learn more how teach improve expound? Yourself Go-ahead Look-at Hand-right

  • If you good-straight, God finish promise A-blessing what? Happen You study doctrine, same-time notice ohh-find doctrine relate-to blessings God himself promise provide will You teach, you want A-Blessings++ sprinkle-out include-teach, and you testify support yes will happen

  • Members maybe they cl:come-on join lessons you think who join? During Every-week your gather-group discuss work-out meeting, discuss decide which members you gut (nod) come-on help-them support person point Before enter teach lesson, cl:come-on-huddle discuss member participate how? Want learn more expound? Go-ahead look hand-right

  • What two-us do-do, help-them, we leave, person point commitment straight how? Cl:hey check-in person point do-do? Daily contact brief, remind their commitment straight Person point You teach, figure-out cl:hmm how member they help-them commitment straight can That Contact maybe include what? Book mormon scripture extract sprinkle, or other scripture++ Happen you finish ask person point go-ahead promise+-list, (FEX:oh-dear) point struggle maybe better 2h-hold, more promise+-list sprinkle-out? Wave-no, help figure-out how accomplish promise+-list (nod) more++ promise-list Want learn more expound? Go-ahead look right-hand

  • Next time, we help-them better how? Teach-them situation finish, next? You need their experience evaluate. ?? Success? Not? How know? (Nod) Question example twiddlethink Their faith Him Christ increase++? THey feel spirit recognize can? They repent++? They make commitments, keep straight? They pray++, Book Mormon study, go++ church? Recent sprinkle-out, Make plan+ help-them

Spirit lead you do-do teach from your heart

All elder sister inform-you/ fist-top presidency 12 apostles quorum group they message tell-you-all ^what^:

“Our goal ^what^ gospel finish again bring-from-the-heaven establish CL:5 list message we teach specific way so spirit can lead both missionary people they teach Important learn lesson concept CL:5-list however, we memorize++ just teach CL:5-lazy-teaching / *shake-head-hands not if spirit prompt, Missionary should go-ahead express teach following your language sign Missionary should not memorize CL:5-list message CL:5-lazy-teaching / not,however should heart-show signing Missionary can lesson CL:5-list-rotation change-order can, must strict follow not need / ^for-purpose what^ person we teach CL:5-list feel inspire express his interest need CL:5-list change+match Show-from-heart message include your belief express use your language signing should inform testimony relate CL:5-list teach truth

picture what? missionary meet man

Teach and invite-ask action follow match individual their need++

Teach people really cool You can flexible accommodate :), help-them prepare ready baptism, bless become member Person their need++, Spirit prompt you guide, Decide hmm lesson you teach which? Teach when? How much time you spend focus lesson? Focus Spirit Give example, Suppose person you teach point christian (nod-no) Jesus Christ shrug don’t-know, start teach how? Person point, Heavenly Father His plan teach+understand. Help Two-them connect^

Have CL:List can ask-invite which CL:List? (Nod) Use Spirit guide you make decision You give right invite-you, right time, tru-biz person point go-ahead follow-actions point++, their faith increase++ can Also, can impact full heart change!

Lessons you teach, should simple clear brief Really ping visit teach++ time up-to 30 min, more (cl:above) shouldn’t. HOnest, you can teach person !something! 5 min that’s-it (nod)

1 lesson have principle-extract++ cl:list, teach everything 1-time? Wave-no, meet (cl:over-again-time) People they understand best how? Lessons you teach++ short, get-together frequent, teach small (cl:2h-alt-give-out)

Scripture study

Question: You feel inspire need do-action what? Hmm?

Question: Why important study doctrine-teaching there lesson?
