“Lesson 31: Jesus Christ Wants Us to Love Everyone,” Primary 3 (1994), 150–55
“Lesson 31,” Primary 3, 150–55
Lesson 31
Jesus Christ Wants Us to Love Everyone
To help the children understand that they can show love by helping others understand their eternal worth to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Prayerfully study John 13:34 and 3 Nephi 17:18–25.
Be prepared to help the children sing “Love One Another” (Children’s Songbook, p. 136; the words are included at the back of this manual) and “I Think When I Read That Sweet Story” (Children’s Songbook, p. 56).
Materials needed:
A Bible and a Book of Mormon.
Chalkboard, chalk, and eraser.
Picture 3-57, Jesus Blessing the Nephite Children.
Make the necessary preparations for any enrichment activities that you will be using.
Suggested Lesson Development
Invite a child to give the opening prayer.
Jesus Christ Wants Us to Love Everyone
The Scriptures Help Us Know How Much We Mean to Jesus Christ
We Can Help Others Feel Their Worth to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
Enrichment Activities
Choose from the following activities those that will work best for your children. You can use them in the lesson itself or as a review or summary. For additional guidance, see “Class Time” in “Helps for the Teacher.”
Have one of the children sit on a chair in the center of the room and pretend to be a prince or princess sitting on a throne. The prince or princess is not allowed to speak, while the other children say everything positive that they can think of about him or her. They may say things such as, “She has a nice smile”; “I like the color of his hair”; “She’s reverent in class”; “He shares the crayons with me.” Crown the prince or princess with a simple crown. Give each child a turn to be the prince or princess.
Explain that being a good listener helps others to know that they are of worth. When other people are speaking, the children should listen closely and not interrupt. Ask the children to listen closely to the following story and raise their hands when you say something that probably wouldn’t happen.
Michelle woke up five minutes before it was time to go to church. If she didn’t hurry fast, she would have to go looking like she just got out of bed. She quickly ran to the bathroom and washed her face with cereal. As she ran back to her bedroom, she stumbled over her pet crocodile. “Michelle, we’re leaving in two minutes,” called her doll loudly. Michelle quickly combed her dress, put on her best hairbrush, and ran out the door.
Thank the children for listening closely and not interrupting. Then reread the story and have the children insert the correct words in place of the incorrect ones.
Make a string of paper dolls (see illustrations) for each child. Have them color the dolls to look like class members or family members. Talk about how they can help each other feel loved. (They can say kind things to each other, not leave people out when they are playing, be good listeners, and help each other when there is a problem.)
Make a list on one side of the chalkboard entitled “How Jesus Christ Shows Love for Us.” Then make a list on the other side entitled “How We Can Show Love for Others.” Create the two lists from the children’s responses to the questions towards the beginning of the lesson. You might also toss a beanbag to each child in turn, inviting the child with the beanbag to suggest something for one of the lists before tossing it back to you.