Prepare to help the children sing or say “Choose the Right Way” (Children’s Songbook, p. 160); the words are included at the back of this manual.
Materials needed:
A Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants for each child, if available.
Salt and pepper shakers (filled), if available.
The CTR shield and ring.
Picture 3-34, Mormon Abridging the Plates (62520; Gospel Art Picture Kit 306).
Make the necessary preparations for any enrichment activities that you will be using.
Suggested Lesson Development
Invite a child to give the opening prayer.
Follow up with the children if you encouraged them to do something during the week.
Mormon Was Pure and Righteous
We Can Be Pure in Thoughts, Words, and Actions
Enrichment Activities
Choose from the following activities those that will work best for your children. You can use them in the lesson itself or as a review or summary. For additional guidance, see “Class Time” in “Helps for the Teacher.”
Point out that Jesus Christ wants us to be like Mormon, even though the people around us might not be righteous. Using the thirteenth article of faith chart, help the class repeat in unison the first part of the article to the word men. Explain that being benevolent means being kind and that being honest, true, chaste, and virtuous means being pure and righteous.
Encourage the children to remember this article of faith.
Explain that it is easier to avoid seeing bad programs if the children and their parents plan ahead what programs would be good to watch.
Suggest several different television programs or movies to the children and ask them whether watching each one would be choosing the right.
Help the children sing or say the words and do the actions to “I Have Two Ears” (Children’s Songbook, p. 269).
I have two ears to hear the truth, (point to ears)
Two eyes to see the good. (point to eyes)
I have two feet to carry me
To places where they should. (walk in place)
I’ll try to use them wisely
In my work (pantomime sweeping or other work)
and play. (pantomime tossing a ball or other play)
I thank my Heav’nly Father (put hands together as if to pray)
For making me this way.
I have two lips to speak kind words, (point to lips)
Two hands to work for me. (hold up hands)
All these loving helpers
Heav’nly Father gave to me. (point to self)
I’ll try to use them wisely
In my work (pantomime sweeping or other work)
and play. (pantomime tossing a ball or other play)
I thank my Heav’nly Father (put hands together as if to pray)
For making me this way.
Have the children sing or say the words to “Hum Your Favorite Hymn” (Children’s Songbook, p. 152).
If on occasion you have found
Your language is in question,
Or ugly thoughts come to your mind,
Then here’s a good suggestion.
Just hum your favorite hymn,
Sing out with vigor and vim,
And you will find it clears your mind.
Hum your favorite hymn.
Discuss with the children how this song can help them keep their thoughts and speech pure.