“Lesson 11: Abinadi and King Noah,” Primary 4: Book of Mormon (1997), 35–38
“Lesson 11,” Primary 4, 35–38
Lesson 11
Abinadi and King Noah
To encourage the children to be valiant in standing as witnesses of Jesus Christ.
Prayerfully study Mosiah 11–13; 15:1, 6–8; 16:14–15; 17; and Mosiah 19:4–20. Then study the lesson and decide how you want to teach the children the scripture account. (See “Preparing Your Lessons,”> p. vi, and “Teaching from the Scriptures,” p. vii.)
Additional reading: Mosiah 14–16.
Select the discussion questions and enrichment activities that will involve the children and best help them achieve the purpose of the lesson.
Materials needed:
A Book of Mormon for each child.
For the alternate attention activity, put the following objects in a sack or bag:
A paper mustache (see the illustration at the end of the lesson)
A flashlight or lightbulb
A paper replica of the Ten Commandments (see the illustration at the end of the lesson)
A picture of Christ
A piece of rope or string
A match
Picture 4-22, Abinadi before King Noah (Gospel Art Picture Kit 308; 62042).
Suggested Lesson Development
Invite a child to give the opening prayer.
Attention Activity
Give each child a copy of the nine-dot diagram, or draw it on the chalkboard. Tell the children that they are to connect all the dots by drawing four continuous straight lines without lifting the pencil off the paper or chalk off the chalkboard. After they have tried several solutions, show one child the correct solution without telling the others. Have that child show another child, and so on until all the children can connect the dots. Explain that when we learn something, we can help other people when we teach them what we know. When we learn about Heavenly Father, we can help other people by telling them about him.

Start here
Alternate Attention Activity
Have the children take turns removing objects from the sack. Ask each child to tell one or two things about his or her object. Explain that as the children learn about a righteous and valiant prophet named Abinadi, they will see how each object relates to his life.
Scripture Account
Display the picture Abinadi before King Noah, and teach the account of Abinadi from Mosiah 11–13; 15:1, 6–8; 16:14–15; 17; and Mosiah 19:4–20. (For suggested ways to teach the scripture account, see “Teaching from the Scriptures,” p. vii.) Emphasize that Abinadi was a courageous witness of Jesus Christ, even though it cost him his life. If you use the alternate attention activity, explain how each object relates to Abinadi’s life.
Mustache: |
Abinadi came back in disguise (Mosiah 12:1). |
Lightbulb or flashlight: |
Abinadi’s face shone with luster (Mosiah 13:5). |
Ten Commandments: |
Abinadi taught the Ten Commandments (Mosiah 13:11–24). |
Picture of Christ: |
Abinadi boldly testified of Jesus Christ (Mosiah 15; 16; 17:8). |
Rope or string: |
Abinadi was bound (Mosiah 17:13). |
Match: |
Abinadi was killed by fire (Mosiah 17:20). |
Discussion and Application Questions
Study the following questions and the scripture references as you prepare your lesson. Use the questions you feel will best help the children understand the scriptures and apply the principles in their lives. Reading the references with the children in class will help them gain insights into the scriptures.
What did the Lord first command Abinadi to say to King Noah and his people? (Mosiah 11:20–21.)
What kind of lives were King Noah and his people living? (Mosiah 11:1–7, 14–15, 19.)
How did King Noah and his people respond to the words of Abinadi? (Mosiah 11:26–29.) Why do you think people get angry with those who call them to repentance?
What did Abinadi boldly testify to the wicked King Noah and his priests about the commandments? (Mosiah 12:33–36; 13:11–24.) Why is it important for us to obey Heavenly Father’s commandments?
Why were the people of King Noah afraid to lay their hands on Abinadi? (Mosiah 13:3–5.)
What did Abinadi testify about Jesus Christ? (Mosiah 15:1, 6–8; 16:14–15.)
How did Abinadi show his courage? (Mosiah 17:7–10.) Why is it sometimes difficult to stand for what is right? How can we stand for the right?
Why was Abinadi burned to death? (Mosiah 17:20.) Why do you think the Lord let this happen? (Alma 60:13.)
What was important to King Noah? (Mosiah 11:14; 19:7–8.) What was important to Abinadi? (Mosiah 13:4; 17:7–10.) What should be important to us?
Who did Abinadi’s testimony affect before his death? (Mosiah 17:1–4.)
How was Abinadi’s prophecy in Mosiah 12:3 fulfilled? (Mosiah 19:19–20.)
Who can you think of who is valiant today in standing as a witness of Jesus Christ?
Enrichment Activities
You may use one or more of the following activities any time during the lesson or as a review, summary, or challenge.
Have the children take the parts of the characters in the story of Abinadi and King Noah, and have a reporter interview them. Make a list of questions for the reporter to ask the characters, such as:
Reporter to Noah:
How did you pay for your fancy buildings?
Reporter to priests:
Why are you holding Abinadi prisoner?
Reporter to Alma:
What do you think about the teachings of Abinadi?
Reporter to Abinadi:
Why do these people want to kill you? Why won’t you deny what you have said to these people?
Sprinkle some pepper in a bowl of water. Put the bowl where all the children can see. Tell them the pepper represents those who choose to be valiant. Ask them to watch what happens when wickedness is put next to those who are valiant. Put a drop of dishwashing liquid, which represents wickedness, in the center of the bowl. The pepper quickly moves away. When Alma believed Abinadi’s testimony, he chose to be valiant in obeying the prophet and turned away from the wicked ways of King Noah. Ask the children what things they should turn away from so they can be valiant.
Discuss the Ten Commandments in Mosiah 12:34–36, 13:12–24.
Compare the valiant characteristics of righteous King Benjamin to the characteristics of King Noah.
King Benjamin: Mosiah 2:10–14, 4:9–10.
King Noah: Mosiah 11:2, 6–7, 27; 19:8.
Discuss the similarities between how Abinadi was treated by the wicked King Noah and his people and how Christ was treated.
Christ: Mosiah 15:5, Matthew 26:66, Luke 24:20.
Abinadi: Mosiah 13:1; 17:7, 10, 13.
Sing or read the words to “I Will Be Valiant” (Children’s Songbook, p. 162), “Dare to Do Right” (Children’s Songbook, p. 158), or “The Church of Jesus Christ” (Children’s Songbook, p. 77).
Testify that even though being righteous does not free us from pain and trials, if we are valiant in our testimonies of Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father will bless us with peace in this life and all that he has in the life to come.
Suggested Family Sharing
Encourage the children to share with their families a specific part of the lesson, such as a story, question, or activity, or to read with their families the “Suggested Home Reading.”
Suggested Home Reading
Suggest that the children study Mosiah 11:1–2, 20–21, 26–29; 12:1–9; and Mosiah 17 at home as a review of this lesson.
Invite a child to give the closing prayer.