Select the discussion questions and enrichment activities that will involve the children and best help them achieve the purpose of the lesson.
Prepare a two- or three-sentence message similar to the following for the attention activity (if you have a small class, make the message longer and include more detail):
A brother and sister were skipping down the street. The brother chased after a butterfly and fell down. His sister helped him up and they ran home.
Materials needed:
A set of scriptures (Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and Pearl of Great Price) for each child.
Suggested Lesson Development
Invite a child to give the opening prayer.
Enrichment Activities
You may use one or more of the following activities any time during the lesson or as a review, summary, or challenge.
Prepare a simple scroll to be used throughout the lesson. Write the following sentences on a long piece of paper (or several pieces of paper taped together), leaving enough space between sentences that they can be shown one at a time:
The Bible is a sacred book that contains the word of God.
People made mistakes as they copied and translated the Bible.
Joseph Smith was commanded to correct the errors in the Bible.
As Joseph studied the scriptures, his understanding of the gospel grew.
Papyrus scrolls were found with some mummies in an Egyptian tomb.
Joseph Smith translated the writings on the scrolls.
As we study the scriptures, we will learn about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and the gospel.
Tape or secure each end of the paper to a wooden stick such as a dowel, pencil, or ruler, or to a cardboard tube such as the one from the center of a roll of paper towels. Roll the paper up on one of the sticks or tubes so that only the first sentence shows.
Show the children the scroll and explain that ancient writings were often kept on scrolls. Roll the paper from one stick or tube to the other as you teach the lesson, revealing each sentence as you discuss the appropriate information.
Explain that while we do not use the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible as a separate book of scripture, parts of it are included in other Latter-day Saint scriptures. Help the children locate the places in the scriptures where portions of the Joseph Smith Translation are found: Joseph Smith—Matthew in the Pearl of Great Price, the JST footnotes throughout the Bible, and the section following the Bible Dictionary.
Compare some verses of the Joseph Smith Translation with the original verses in the Bible. Ask one child to read the verse from the Bible and another to read the verse from the Joseph Smith Translation. Discuss how the Joseph Smith Translation makes the verses clearer and easier to understand.
“No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.”
“And no man hath seen God at any time, except he hath borne record of the Son; for except it is through him no man can be saved.”
Review Joseph Smith—History 1:11–14 with the children and point out that Joseph Smith received his first vision after his study of the Bible prompted him to seek wisdom from God. Discuss the importance of studying the scriptures and praying to ask for blessings and inspiration from Heavenly Father.
List the subjects below on the chalkboard, and write each of the scriptural references on a separate piece of paper:
Explain to the children that we can find counsel about specific subjects as we study the scriptures. Have each child choose a paper, locate the scripture reference, and read the scripture to the class. Have the class match the scripture with its subject from the list on the chalkboard.
Help the children locate the Topical Guide, Bible Dictionary, and Index in their scriptures, and explain how they can use these sections to study what the scriptures say about specific subjects.
Ask the children to suggest different ways they can study the scriptures. List their ideas on the chalkboard.
Possible suggestions:
Set a goal to read one or more verses of scripture each day.
Read the scriptures aloud with your family.
Read scripture stories in the Friend magazine.
Read from the Old Testament Stories (31118), New Testament Stories (31119), Book of Mormon Reader (31117), Doctrine and Covenants Stories (31122), and Scripture Stories (31120) books.
After hearing a scripture story in a talk at church, find the story in your scriptures at home and read it.
Following each Primary lesson, read the “Suggested Home Reading” to review the lesson.
Share something from your scripture reading with your family in family home evening.
You may want to have the children choose and write down one way they will study the scriptures during the coming week.
Help the children memorize the eighth article of faith. Discuss with the children why we believe the Bible “as far as it is translated correctly.”
Sing or say the words to “Search, Ponder, and Pray” (Children’s Songbook, p. 109).