Primary 7: New Testament Title Page Helps for the Teacher Lesson 1: Becoming Familiar with the New Testament Lesson 2: Jesus Christ Volunteered to Be Our Savior Lesson 3: John the Baptist Prepared the Way for Jesus Christ Lesson 4: Jesus Christ Is the Son of Heavenly Father Lesson 5: The Childhood of Jesus Christ Lesson 6: The Baptism of Jesus Christ Lesson 7: Jesus Christ Was Tempted by Satan Lesson 8: Jesus Christ Cleanses the Temple Lesson 9: Jesus Christ Calls His Apostles Lesson 10: The Sermon on the Mount Lesson 11: Jesus Christ Teaches about Prayer Lesson 12: The House Built on a Rock Lesson 13: Jesus Christ Heals the Sick Lesson 14: Jesus Christ and the Sabbath Day Lesson 15: Jesus Christ Used His Priesthood Power to Bless Others Lesson 16: Jesus Christ Performed Miracles Lesson 17: The Parables of the Sower and the Wheat and Tares Lesson 18: Jesus Christ Heals a Man Born Blind Lesson 19: The Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Prodigal Son Lesson 20: Parable of the Good Samaritan Lesson 21: Jesus Christ Heals Ten Lepers Lesson 22: The Unmerciful Servant Lesson 23: The Good Shepherd Lesson 24: The Widow’s Mite Lesson 25: Parable of the Ten Virgins Lesson 26: Parable of the Talents Lesson 27: Parable of the Sheep and the Goats Lesson 28: Jesus Christ Raises Lazarus from the Dead Lesson 29: Jesus Christ’s Triumphal Entry and the Last Supper Lesson 30: Jesus Christ in Gethsemane Lesson 31: Jesus Christ’s Betrayal, Arrest, and Trial Lesson 32: The Crucifixion and Burial of Jesus Christ Lesson 33: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ Lesson 34: Feed My Sheep Lesson 35: The Mission of Jesus Christ Lesson 36: The Day of Pentecost Lesson 37: Peter the Apostle Lesson 38: Barnabas, Ananias, and Sapphira Lesson 39: Stephen, the Martyr Lesson 40: Peter and Cornelius Lesson 41: James Teaches Us to Control Our Tongues Lesson 42: The Conversion of Saul Lesson 43: Paul Testifies of Jesus Christ Lesson 44: Paul the Missionary Lesson 45: Paul’s Journey to Rome Lesson 46: Jesus Christ Will Come Again Lesson 47: The Priesthood Can Bless Our Lives (Priesthood Preparation Lesson)