Have the children think of experiences Peter had with the Savior that increased his testimony of Jesus Christ. (Feeding the 5,000, healing the sick, raising Jairus’s daughter from the dead, and so on.) How can we know for ourselves that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? (By studying the scriptures, praying, obeying the commandments, and so on.)
Have the children name some ways other people might try to get them to deny the Church or do something wrong. Then discuss how they can be strong enough to resist such temptations. Use the following examples, if necessary:
Someone tries to get them to not attend Church meetings.
Someone tries to get them to break the Word of Wisdom.
Someone tries to get them to lie.
Someone tries to get them to spend their tithing money.
Emphasize that we must gain a personal testimony of Jesus Christ to be strong like Peter.
Tell the following story about what happened to President Joseph F. Smith, sixth President of the Church, when he was a young man returning home from his mission:
“One day after Joseph F. Smith and his companions had traveled a short distance and made their camp, a company of drunken men rode into the camp on horseback, cursing and swearing and threatening to kill any Mormons that came within their path. Some of Joseph’s companions had gone down by the creek and out of sight when they heard the men coming. They waited there for this band of men to pass. Joseph F. Smith was a little distance from the camp, gathering wood for the fire as these men rode up. When he saw them, he said his first thought was to find someplace to hide. Then the thought came to him, ‘Why should I run from these fellows?’ With that thought in mind he boldly marched up to the campfire with his arms full of wood. One of the men pointed his gun at the young elder and demanded in a loud, angry voice, ‘Are you a “Mormon”?’
“Joseph F. Smith did not hesitate for a moment. He looked the man in the eye and answered, ‘Yes, siree; dyed in the wool; true blue, through and through.’
“He answered without any sign of fear and completely surprised the man. The man grasped Joseph F. Smith by the hand and said: ‘Well, you are the pleasantest man I ever met! Shake, young fellow, I am glad to see a man that stands up for his convictions’” (Joseph Fielding Smith, The Life of Joseph F. Smith, pp. 188–89).