undefined undefined Baptism
Teaching Children

“Baptism,” Resources by Topic (2021).

“Baptism,” Resources by Topic.


Church Publications

A Cup of Warm Water” ( Friend or Liahona, Sept. 2020).Minjun’s friend is going to be baptized, but the water’s too cold! Minjun sets out to find a way to warm up the water.

Alma’s Baptism Talk” (Friend, May 2020)An activity focused on Alma’s talk in Mosiah 18.

John Baptized Jesus” (New Testament Stories for Young Readers [2019]).A retelling of the baptism of Jesus. Includes coloring page.

Worth the Wait” ( Friend or Liahona, Mar. 2017).Sadie wants to be baptized, but her dad wants her to wait until she’s older.

A Baptism Blessing” ( Friend or Liahona, June 2013).Trevor is afraid to be baptized because going under water makes him nervous.

Understanding Baptism” (Friend, June 2013).A poster with the answers to some questions children may have about baptism.

Can’t I Be Baptized Too?” ( Friend or Liahona, Oct. 2012).Six-year-old Paulo is sad when the missionaries tell him he is too young to be baptized, but he learns he can still share his testimony.

My Big Decision” ( Friend or Liahona, June 2011).After the missionaries invite her to be baptized, Nicole is nervous about the responsibility that comes with baptism.

Clean Again” ( Friend or Liahona, Oct. 2006).A girl learns an important lesson about repentance when she makes a mistake.

Coloring Page

coloring page of Jesus walking on a path with children

A New Path” (Friend, Aug. 2019).