Teaching Children
Natural Disasters

“Natural Disasters,” Resources by Topic (2021).

“Natural Disasters,” Resources by Topic

Natural Disasters

Praying Like Alma” (Friend, Sept. 2019).Isaac shares how he prayed for people after a tornado, since he wasn’t old enough to go help like his dad.

Junior Helping Hands” (Friend, May 2018).Autumn shares how she helped collect school supplies to send to children affected by a hurricane.

A Friend During an Emergency” (Weekly Thoughts and Tips, Sept. 2017).Consider including a copy of the Friend in your emergency kit!

Earrings for Jasmine” (Friend, Sept. 2017).Abby welcomes a girl who moved into her neighborhood after losing her home in a flood.

Buckets of Mud” (Friend, Jun. 2016).Tayson and his dad help shovel mud out of a neighbor’s basement.

Emergency Evacuation!” (Friend, Mar. 2016).A family practices an emergency drill for home evening. They are grateful for their practice when they have to leave their home because of flooding.

Connor to the Rescue!” (Friend, Jan. 2015).After learning about an earthquake, Connor decides to donate money to humanitarian aid.

Prayers, Notes, and Natural Disasters” ( Friend or Liahona, Aug. 2012).Two girls in different parts of the world pray to get through natural disasters.
