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Teaching Children
Book of Mormon

“Book of Mormon,” Resources by Topic (2021).

“Book of Mormon,” Resources by Topic.

Book of Mormon

Enos Prayed” (Book of Mormon Stories for Young Readers [2020]).A retelling for young children about Enos praying in the forest.

I Can Pray Like Enos” ( Friend or Liahona, Mar. 2020).Some suggestions for what to do when you pray.

Eddy and the Book of Mormon” (Friend, Mar. 2020).Eddy has trouble reading, but he finds comfort when his family reads the Book of Mormon together.

Book of Mormon Stories for Young Readers (2020).Illustrated stories from the Book of Mormon with simple language.

Scripture Figures.Illustrations that show various scripture figures and are designed to be cut out.

Scripture Boats” ( Friend or Liahona, Feb. 2020).Includes a matching activity, a DIY boat project, and a script based on Nephi building the ship.

Batbayar and the Book with Pictures” ( Friend or Liahona, Jan. 2020).Batbayar has a hard time reading the Book of Mormon, so the missionaries bring him an illustrated version that makes reading easy—and fun!

The Precious Book of Mormon” ( Friend or Liahona, Jan. 2020).Part of the “From the First Presidency” series. President Russell M. Nelson teaches how precious the Book of Mormon is.

I Can Read the Book of Mormon” ( Friend or Liahona, Jan. 2020).A color-by-number activity that links to scriptures to read every week.

Ingrid’s Birthday Surprise” ( Friend or Liahona, Feb. 2019).Ingrid’s mother gets her a Book of Mormon to read to help prepare for her baptism the next year.

Golden Plates to Book of Mormon” (Friend, Feb. 2017).Information about the gold plates and how they were translated into the Book of Mormon.

The Book on the Shelf” ( Friend or Liahona, Jan. 2017).Elder Walter F. González of the Seventy shares how he read the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith’s story for the first time.

A New Feeling” ( Friend or Liahona, Sept. 2015).Gabriel feels the Holy Ghost when his mother reads about Jesus talking to children in the Book of Mormon.