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Teaching Children

“Comfort,” Resources by Topic (2021).

“Comfort,” Resources by Topic


Sirens and Scriptures” (Friend, Aug. 2020).Elly’s family hears tornado warning sirens, so they go into Grandpa’s storm cellar, and they pray and read the scriptures to feel better.

The Mooncake Festival” ( Friend or Liahona, Aug. 2020).Vincent falls and cuts his chin open. He’s afraid of stitches, but after saying a prayer, he feels much better.

Kelly’s Prayer” ( Friend or Liahona, June 2020).Kelly has a special feeling she’s never felt before when she prays. She prays before a big singing competition, and her nerves go away!

Comforted by the Scriptures” (Friend, Apr. 2020).Because of his dreams, Harrison is afraid to fall asleep, but he finds comfort in Joseph Smith—History.

Music for a Better Day” ( Friend or Liahona, Mar. 2020).When Elizabeth has a hard day at school, her dad suggests that she listen to some good music. She feels much better afterward.

The Best Hug Ever!” ( Friend or Liahona, Jan. 2020)Ellie doesn’t want to go to Primary without Mommy to hug, but when she finds a picture of Jesus in her scriptures, she feels as if she’s being hugged by Jesus.

I get stressed a lot! Sometimes I can’t fall asleep at night. What can I do to not feel so stressed out?” (Friend, Jan. 2019).Part of the “What’s on Your Mind Question” series. Includes a stress meter to cut out and some ideas for having less stress.

A Voice of Peace” ( Friend, Sept. 2018 or Liahona, Aug. 2018).Grace Vlam was a nine-year-old girl living in Holland in 1940, during World War II. Part 1 of a series.

An Answered Prayer” ( Friend,Oct. 2018 or Liahona, Sept. 2018).Grace was an 11-year-old girl living in Holland during World War II. Her father was taken away as a prisoner of war. Part 2 of a series.

Hope in Holland” ( Friend, Nov. 2018 or Liahona, Oct. 2018).Grace was a 15-year-old girl living in Holland during World War II. The war had gone on for a long time. The people in Holland were starving, and they hoped the war would soon be over. Part 3 of a series.