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Teaching Children

“Disabilities,” Resources by Topic (2021).

“Disabilities,” Resources by Topic


Seeing a New Friend” (Friend, Nov. 2019).At first Beth isn’t quite sure how to play with Cara, who is blind, but they soon become friends.

I Don’t Want to Be Different!” ( Friend or Liahona, Oct. 2019).Mika is tired of being different because she has Down syndrome. She prays, and Heavenly Father lets her know He loves her just the way she is.

The Ice-Candy Mission Fund” ( Friend or Liahona, Jan. 2019).Jared, who has a hard time hearing and speaks sign language, decides he can prepare to be a missionary by earning money for his mission fund.

Best Buddies” (Friend, May 2018).Will and Anna are best friends. She pushes his wheelchair, and he laughs at her jokes. They do lots of things together.

For Parents of Little Ones: Talking about Disabilities” (Friend, May 2018).Some ideas for helping young children better interact with those who have disabilities or injuries.

Signs of Friendship” (Friend, Dec. 2017).Connor, who has autism, has a hard time finding a friend until he prays for help and soon becomes friends with a deaf neighbor.

Adventures with Grayson” (Friend, Jun. 2016).Olivia imagines going on adventures with her brother, Grayson, who can’t walk or talk.

Dear Gracie” (Friend, Nov. 2015).Gracie is comforted about her upcoming surgery when she makes friends with an older girl who also has spina bifida.

The Stuttering Struggle” (Friend, Nov. 2015).Nathaniel has a stuttering problem and is afraid to narrate the Primary program, but he finds courage through practice and prayer.

Diabetic? Not Alone!” (Friend, Aug. 2015).Matthew helps others become aware of diabetes and shares his talents in the process.