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Teaching Children

“Example,” Resources by Topic (2021).

“Example,” Resources by Topic


Church Magazines

Quiet is OK” (Friend, Aug. 2020).Evie learns that she can be an example even if she’s a little quiet.

More Important Than Basketball” (Friend, Feb. 2020).Part of the “Friend to Friend” series. Elder Brian K. Taylor of the Seventy tells a story about how he decided to go on a mission because of a promise he made to his brother.

Go and Do” ( Friend or Liahona, Feb. 2020).Part of the “From the First Presidency” series. President Henry B. Eyring shares a story about an older woman who helped others by collecting clothing donations, cleaning and ironing the clothes, and keeping them for people who needed them.

Living My Standards” ( Friend or Liahona, Jun. 2019).Part of the “Friend to Friend” series. Sister Becky Craven shares her experience living her standards as she moved around a lot as a child.

A Lesson from My Parents” ( Friend or Liahona, Mar. 2019).Part of the “Friend to Friend” series. Elder Massimo De Feo of the Seventy describes how his parents were examples of sacrifice to him, even though they weren’t members of the Church.

I don’t like some of the things going on around me, but I don’t know how to change them. What can I do?” (Friend, Feb. 2019).Part of the “What’s on Your Mind Question” series. A reminder that we aren’t helpless, and an unscrambling activity that teaches how to make a difference.

Standing Up for Church” ( Friend or Liahona, Feb. 2018).Easton and his friend give a presentation about the Church at their international school.

Moroni and the Mechanic” ( Friend or Liahona, Jan. 2018).Elder Claudio R. M. Costa shares a story of how his six-year-old son was a good example by praying after their car broke down. Includes an activity.

I want to be a good example to my friends. How can I help them make good choices?” (Friend, Mar. 2016).Part of the “Question Corner” series. Several children provide answers to this question.

Coloring Pages

boys carrying sticks

I Can Be a Good Example” ( Friend or Liahona, Aug. 2018). A coloring page showing children working together.

Illustration by Apryl Stott