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Teaching Children

“Fasting,” Resources by Topic (2021).

“Fasting,” Resources by Topic


Searching for Sir Crunch-a-Lot” (Friend, Nov. 2019).During a trip to the bishops’ storehouse after her dad loses his job, Mackenzie learns how fast offerings help to buy food for people like her family.

Fasting for a Prophet” ( Friend or Liahona, Jul. 2017).A home evening idea. A story about a girl named Silioti and how she fasted for President Spencer W. Kimball in 1981.

How do I know when I’m old enough to start fasting?” ( Friend or Liahona, Jul. 2017).Part of the “Question Corner” series. A home evening idea. Ask a parent about a time he or she fasted for special blessings. What was it like when you fasted? Or talk with your family about when to start fasting.

Fasting for Vanuatu” (Friend, Sept. 2015).Part of the “From the First Presidency” series. President Henry B. Eyring was moved by hearing of the storm damaged island of Vanuatu to pay his fast offering early so it might help the hungry, homeless, and lonely.

Heavenly Father Answers My Prayers” ( Friend or Liahona, Jul. 2015).George tells of the times Heavenly Father has answered his prayers.