undefined undefined Kindness
Teaching Children

“Kindness,” Resources by Topic (2021).

“Kindness,” Resources by Topic


The Birthday Markers” (Friend, Mar. 2020).Marcus decides to share some of the new markers he got for his birthday with his friend.

Lonely Lunchtime” ( Friend or Liahona, Oct. 2020).Kali has no one to sit by at lunch, but she talks to a lonely boy on the playground. She feels much less lonely after that.

Keep Going, Josie!” ( Friend or Liahona, Feb. 2020).Josie’s been sick, and she doesn’t think she can race. Her teammates cheer her on until she crosses the finish line.

The Apology” ( Friend or Liahona, Jan. 2020).Minchan apologizes for making fun of a boy and encourages his friends to do the same.

Say Hello to Halim!” ( Friend or Liahona, Jun. 2019).Marcus decides to be nice and write a note to the new boy in his class who moved from another country.

Dare to Be Kind!” ( Friend or Liahona, Apr. 2018).Claudia shines her light by showing kindness to others.

Sister Sheldon’s Miracle” ( Friend or Liahona, Aug. 2017).Elyse shares how her Primary did nice things for their Primary president, who had cancer.

Me? A Bully?” ( Friend or Liahona, Feb. 2017).Jeff decides to be nice after his mom talks to him about being unkind to a boy in his class.

Hands, Heart, and a Smile” ( Friend or Liahona, Aug. 2016).Lydia learns that what makes someone beautiful is choosing the right and being kind.

Magnolia and Mia” ( Friend or Liahona, Mar. 2015).A girl interprets for a friend who doesn’t speak Spanish.

The Secret Weapon” ( Friend or Liahona, Jan. 2015).Adam learns the blessings of being kind.