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Teaching Children

“Learning,” Resources by Topic (2021).

“Learning,” Resources by Topic


The Stripling Warriors” (Book of Mormon Stories for Young Readers [2020]).An illustrated version of the story of the stripling warriors and how they learned from their mothers to be brave. Includes coloring page.

I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” ( Friend or Liahona, Oct. 2019).Part of the “Bright Idea Poster” series. A poster of a boy doing schoolwork.

Becoming Dr. Cannon” ( Friend or Liahona, Mar. 2019).Martha Hughes Cannon followed President Brigham Young’s encouragement and became one of the first female doctors in Utah.

The Write Choice” ( Friend or Liahona, Mar. 2018).Justina has a hard time reading and writing, but she improves through hard work and perseverance.

School Is Cool!” (Friend, Sept. 2017).Look at the things each friend likes about school, and circle the thing each pair of friends has in common.

Surviving the Homework Jungle” (Friend, Sept. 2017).Tips for getting your homework done.

Multiplication Master” ( Friend or Liahona, Feb. 2017).Luca learns that he needs to study in addition to asking Heavenly Father for help on a test.

Hidden Picture” (Friend, Oct. 2016).Find the hidden objects in this illustration of friends helping each other study after school.