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Teaching Children

“Media,” Resources by Topic (2021).

“Media,” Resources by Topic


Chat-Box Mess” (Friend, Oct. 2020).Myra gets uncomfortable messages from a user on an online game and talks to her dad about it.

Should I Keep Reading?” ( Friend or Liahona, Oct. 2019).Brooklyn shares how she decided to stop reading a book after the author repeatedly used the Lord’s name in vain.

The No-Phone Zone” (Friend, Mar. 2019).Tyler’s grandma collects all the phones during dinner at their family reunion so they can focus on talking to each other.

My friends sometimes use their phones to look at bad pictures. What should I do?” (Friend, Nov. 2017).Part of the “Question Corner” series. Children give advice on what to do about bad pictures.

The Next Level” (Friend, Jan. 2017).Max is much happier after following his mom’s advice to not play video games for a week.

Be Smart, Be Safe, and Have Fun!” (Friend, Aug. 2016).Use this activity to help your family set good media standards.

The Hidden Video Game” (Friend, Aug. 2016).Ava and her brother decide they should stop playing a video game that doesn’t make them feel good.

These are your days. You were born in a time of temples and technology” ( Friend or Liahona, Sept. 2015).Part of the “Bright Idea Poster” series. Poster of children taking pictures of the temple.

Fast Friends” ( Friend or Liahona, Aug. 2015).Diego decides to make a good media decision, even when it might mean losing his new friend.

How can I stay free?” ( Friend or Liahona, Aug. 2015).Elder Quentin L. Cook teaches about how good choices will help us stay free.

Stand for the Right” ( Friend or Liahona, Aug. 2015).Poster showing standards can help us stand for the right.