Teaching Children

“Priesthood,” Resources by Topic (2021).

“Priesthood,” Resources by Topic


Church Publications

The Only Bald Deacon” (Friend, Jun. 2020).Carlos is afraid people might stare at his bald head while he passes the sacrament. But he feels much better after saying a prayer.

Hayfields and Priesthood Blessings” ( Friend or Liahona, Mar. 2020).Part of the “Friend to Friend” series. Elder Jack N. Gerard talks about how a priesthood blessing helped him feel better after allergies kept him from doing his farm chores.

Lily’s First Calling” (Friend, Mar. 2020).Lily gets called as president of her Young Women class. She feels better after being set apart and learning that being a good leader comes from the heart and the Holy Ghost.

The Priesthood and Me” (Friend, Apr. 2018).Jordan, who’s close to turning 12, is confused about why boys get the priesthood and girls don’t. Over a few months she learns a lot about priesthood power and how we all use it to serve.

Is the priesthood just for men and boys?” (Friend, Apr. 2018).Part of the “What’s on Your Mind Question” series. Includes some information about how the priesthood blesses everyone and how you can help in the work of the priesthood.

Awesome!” (Friend, May 2017).Robert receives the Aaronic Priesthood and learns about the privilege and responsibility of the priesthood.

What are priesthood keys?” ( Friend or Liahona, Feb. 2017).Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explains what priesthood keys are. Includes a story about Elder Stevenson losing his car keys while skiing.

Was I Ready?” (Friend, Jun. 2016).Collin shares how he wasn’t sure if he was ready to receive the Aaronic Priesthood, until he read a scripture that helped him.

Priesthood Power” (Friend, Nov. 2015).Bobby is excited about receiving the priesthood when he turns 12, and he learns even more about it when he goes to serve a woman that his dad home teaches.



With Priesthood Power

A musical montage featuring the song "With Priesthood Power".

With Priesthood Power” (Friend, Apr. 2018).