“Reverence,” Resources by Topic (2021).
“Reverence,” Resources by Topic
Church Publications
“Reverence Is Love” ( Friend or Liahona, Dec. 2018).Luaipou shares how she felt Heavenly Father’s love when she was nervous about speaking at a school assembly.
“Wally’s Wiggles” (Friend, Aug. 2018).Wally cures his wiggles in sacrament meeting by helping his younger brother be reverent.
“An Origami Answer” (Friend, Nov. 2016).Jadyn is distracted during sacrament meeting by the kids arguing behind him, so he finds a way to help them be reverent.
“Family Night Fun: Reverence” (Friend, Nov. 2016).Make an origami CTR shield to remind you to be reverent. Also includes ideas for listening and learning during sacrament meeting.
“More than Just Quietly Sitting” (Friend, Oct. 2016).A matching game with pictures of children and how they made changes to be more reverent.
“Rowdy to Reverent” (Friend, Jul. 2015).Larry learns he can set a good example for his friend at church.
“What will it be like when I go inside the temple?” ( Friend or Liahona, Jul. 2015).Elder Neil L. Andersen shares some thoughts.
“I Know That Jesus Loves Me” ( Friend or Liahona, Apr. 2015).Looking at pictures of Jesus helps Laney be reverent during sacrament meeting. For young children.
“Primary Is for Everyone” (Friend, Mar. 2015).Ryder invites a friend to church but doesn’t know what to do when his friend is not reverent.
Coloring Pages
“I Can Be Reverent” ( Friend or Liahona, Aug. 2017). A coloring page of children thinking of Jesus.
Illustration by Apryl Stott