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Teaching Children

“Testimony,” Resources by Topic (2021).

“Testimony,” Resources by Topic


Testimony and the Book of Mormon” ( Friend or Liahona, Jun. 2020).Part of the “From the First Presidency” series. President Henry B. Eyring talks about how the Book of Mormon strengthens his testimony.

I don’t feel any big answers when I pray. How can I know if I really have a testimony?” (Friend, Apr. 2020).Part of the “What’s on Your Mind Question” series. Answers and activity about recognizing a growing testimony.

Testimony Plants” ( Friend or Liahona, Jan. 2019).Elisa learns about faith and testimony by drawing a plant in her Primary class.

Building Blocks of Testimony” (Friend, Nov. 2018).During the October 2018 general conference, Bishop Dean M. Davies taught about the building blocks of a testimony. Fill in the blanks to finish the blocks.

How You Can Know What’s True” (Friend, May 2018).During the April 2018 general conference, President Russell M. Nelson taught how we can get answers and receive a testimony.

How can I make my testimony strong?” ( Friend or Liahona, Sept. 2017).Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles shares some ways to strengthen testimony. The Friend version includes a story about Elder Rasband’s ancestors.

Ethan’s Testimony” ( Friend or Liahona, Apr. 2016).Ethan feels as if he’s the only one who doesn’t have a testimony, so he prays to find out the truth.

A Testimony of the Church” (Friend, Jul. 2015).Part of the “From the First Presidency” series. President Dieter F. Uchtdorf teaches how we can gain a testimony. Includes a basic activity.

Mia’s Testimony” ( Friend or Liahona, Jun. 2015).Mia learns that she has a testimony.

The Story of the Wise Man and the Foolish Man” ( Friend or Liahona, Mar. 2015).A lesson and activity about the story of the wise man and the foolish man.