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Teaching Children

“Work,” Resources by Topic (2021).

“Work,” Resources by Topic


A Nephi Attitude” (Friend, Jan. 2020).Bennett is tired of painting a wall, but he wants to be like Nephi and work hard even when things get tough.

An A+ Choice” (Friend, Nov. 2018).Middle school is a challenge for Brett, and his grades aren’t as good as he’d like, but he still tries and is happy for his sister when she gets good grades.

Brian Leads the Way” (Friend, Aug. 2016).Brian sets an example for his older brothers when he works hard to help their dad plant bushes.

Picking Blackberries” (Friend, Jul. 2016).Part of the “Friend to Friend” series. Elder Kevin S. Hamilton of the Seventy shares how he and his siblings worked hard to pick blackberries at his grandmother’s house when he was a child.

Ryan the Unstoppable Reader” (Friend, Jul. 2016).Ryan has trouble reading, but with hard work and practice he begins to get better.

A Buggy for Mom” (Friend, May 2016).Joseph earns money to buy a special gift to help his mother.

The Laundry Monster” (Friend, May 2016).A panel story. Ana wants to keep playing instead of putting her laundry in the basket.

Straightening Nails” (Friend, Jun. 2015).Elder L. Tom Perry (1922–2015) talks about learning the value of hard work as a child.

It’s Your Turn” ( Friend or Liahona, Feb. 2015).Elder Gary E. Stevenson, then Presiding Bishop, compares preparation for the Olympics to preparation for life.

The Best Test I Ever Failed” (Friend, Jan. 2015).A girl learns that she has to study for a test in addition to praying for help.