Same-Sex Attraction
Why does the website not discuss gender dysphoria or transgender issues?

“Why does the website not discuss gender dysphoria or transgender issues?” Same-Sex Attraction: About (2020)

“Why does the website not discuss gender dysphoria or transgender issues?” Same-Sex Attraction: About

Why does the website not discuss gender dysphoria or transgender issues?

Many of the general principles shared on this website (for example, the importance of inclusion and kindness) apply to Latter-day Saints who experience gender dysphoria or identify as transgender. However, same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria are very different. For example, those who experience gender dysphoria may or may not also experience same-sex attraction, and the majority of those who experience same-sex attraction do not desire to change their gender. From a psychological and ministerial perspective, the two are different.

For information see Transgender: Understanding Yourself and Transgender: Supporting Others,
